Bachelor assignments theme 4: Mental Health in a digital age

Influencing mental health through digital media

Theme: Mental health in a digital age        

Type of research: Qualitative


The use of social media platforms can have both beneficial and harmful effects on mental health outcomes, depending on how they are utilized. As regular use by individuals may result in mental health consequences, in some cases, the direct target of social media impact is the user's mental well-being. This category encompasses mental health and well-being apps, influencers focusing on mental health, or professional psychologists sharing informative content, each with its own drawbacks and advantages.

As these factors can significantly have a negative or positive influence on mental health it is important to understand the experiences of users and what kind of an impact the content have on their mental health and wellbeing. Students have the flexibility to explore various directions for this assignment. Possible areas of focus, not restricted with these, include conducting interviews with mental health app users, examining experiences of individuals following mental health influencers, exploring concerns about encountering therapists on social media, or analyzing the online content itself.