Bachelor assignments theme 1: Technological interventions in increasing well-being

Towards evidence-based just-in-time adaptive interventions for common mental disorders: a pilot study using micro randomized trials and ecological momentary assessments

Theme: Technological interventions in increasing well-being

Type of research (qualitative empirical, quantitative empirical, mixed-method): Mixed method


Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are highly prevalent and are associated with high socioeconomic burden. Early, low-threshold interventions in high-risk individuals have the potential to prevent (further) development of mental illness. Digital ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) provide accessible and scalable solutions bringing therapy to daily life, but are still often provided a in one-size-fits all manner with little personalization. Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) aim to provide the right intervention in the right moment. However, what interventions should be given in which moment and for which person is still insufficiently studied.

In this project you will carry out JITAI study in individuals at increased risk for mental illness to investigate the effectiveness of different momentary interventions. The aim is to investigate individual differences in intervention effectiveness (i.e., for whom) and the internal and external context (i.e., when) in which these interventions are most effective. In addition, we will investigate personal and contextual factors that negatively influence compliance to the study protocol (i.e., when not). Finally, as the interventions will stem from different therapeutic traditions (i.e., cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and positive psychology), we will investigate the mechanisms through which the interventions affect mental health (i.e., how). For this purpose, you will use innovative methodologies, including within-person experiments and micro randomized trials as well as EMIs and experience sampling methodology (aka ecological momentary assessment).

As an add-on to this study, we will investigate the user experience in a qualitative study. Here we will investigate how the participants experienced the interventions, how they experienced the protocol and their adherence to it, and what the perceived effects were.

Example research questions may include: what is the efficacy of the JITAIs on mental health-related outcomes? What are the effects of person characteristics on the efficacy? What are the effects of contextual factors on the efficacy? What are factors that influence compliance? Which emotion regulation strategies mediate the effects of the JITAIs on mental health-related outcomes? How do at-risk individuals experience the JITAIs?