Other useful information

Numbers and statistics

Present and target numbers
regarding women at top positions at the University of Twente.

Monitor women professors in 2009.
The state of affairs with respect to women in university positions and academic decision-making bodies

Promotion criteria

Each faculty at the UT elaborated their own set of promotion criteria (based on UFO) for the tenure track (UD2-UD1-UHD2-Adjunct professor). These criteria give an indication of the minimum requirements to be fulfilled in order to be promoted to the next level. Each individual will be evaluated by the tenure track committee of the faculty: at the entry of the track, after two years and after five years. The majority of the faculties use the same criteria to evaluate the promotion applications of internal candidates.

The following faculties have their criteria on their website. 
For the other faculties, you can ask your HR manager about the procedures and criteria for promotion.

Recent studies on gender in academia

Academic research plays an important role in uncovering bias and helping to shape a more equal society. But academia also struggles to adequately confront persistent and entrenched gender bias in its own corridors. Read more information.

OBP Women network (Dutch only)
Training programmes and courses
Mentor programme
Mentor day of LNVH


Recommended Books



50% meer talent

Esther Mollema

A short history of nearly everything

Bill Bryson

Achter de Coulissen, Coaching als Managementinstrument nader bekeken.

Opportunity in bedrijf

Behind the scenes of science. Gender practices in the recruitement and selection of professors in the Netherlands (2009)

Marieke van den Brink


Tina Fey

Committee on Maximizing the potential of women in Academic Science and Engineering (2007) Beyond bias and barriers: fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering. National Academic Press, US


Diversity and inclusion in Higher Education

Daryl G. Smith

Do babies matter? (Gender and family in the ivory tower)

Mary Ann Mason, Nicholas H. Wolfinger, Marc Goulden

Emancipatiebeleid voor universiteiten (2009)

T. Willemsen, T. Timmers

Gender and the Dysfunctional Workplace

Fox, S.

Genderbewust personeelsbeleid bij de overheid (2004)

Ministerie SZW

Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers

Vinnicombe, S., Burke, R.J., Blake-Berad, S. and Moore, L.L.

How professors think

Michele Lamont

How Remarkable Women Lead

Joanna Barsh

I Shouldn't be Telling You This

Kate White

I'd Rather Be in Charge

Charlotte Beers

Kwestie van kijken (2012)

OIB, Monic Lansu

Men and women of the corporation (1993)

R. Moss Kanter

Nice Girl's Don Get the Corner Office

Lois P. Frankel

Play like a Man, Win like a Woman

Gail Evans

Presumed Incompetent (The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia)

Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. González, Angela P. Harris

Speak up dear!

Farah Nobbe and Natalie Holwerda-Mieras

Stratego voor vrouwen (2008)

M. Buhrs, E. De Groot

Supercorp. How vanguard companies create innovation, profits, growth and social good (2009)

R. Moss Kanter

The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations

Savita Kumra, Ruth Simpson, Ronald J. Burke

Trend analysis gender in higher STEM education

Cocky Booy, Noortje Jansen, Gertje Joukes, Esther van Schaik (VhTo)

Vrouwelijk talent werkt…. (2012)

A. van Doorne-Huiskes

Vrouwen, Wageningen en de Wereld. Wetenschap, studie en loopbaan 1918-2003

Margreet vd Burg en Marian Bos-Boers

What Works; Gender Equality by Design

Iris Bohnet

Women Matter 2 female leadership, a competitive edge for the future 

McKinsey & Company


Other links