Biologische Tuinvereniging Enschede, 10 June 2014
Drienerlo BTD/14.feest/
Dear members,
On Friday 4 July the annual garden party is going to be held for our members and their partners! This year we are organizing a barbecue, also taking account for the vegetarians amongst us. From 07.00 pm barbecuing will start. After that, if the weather does not let us down, it will be time for the traditional jeu-de-boules competition, as always under professional supervision. We are looking forward to see you there.
The participation fee is €12.50 p.p. This amount is to be transferred to bank account number NL65 INGB 0001744074 in the name of Tuinvereniging BTD, stating garden party. Because we have to make purchases, we would like to know before Wednesday 2 July whether you are coming or not and with how many people.
You can apply by means of e-mail: Charlotte Bijron, c.g.bijron@utwente.nl, tel. 4893740, or by means of putting the subjoined and filled-in strip in the postbox of the Tool shed. We would also like to know who will attend Friday afternoon 4 July from 3.00 pm to help setting things up or on Saturday morning 5 July from 10.00 am to help cleaning up.
Hope to see you all on 4 July!
With kind regards,
The Board
My name is: ...........................................................................
I will attend the party on Friday 4 July
“with / without” partner: (1)
For the barbecue: “ 1 / 2 “ times vegetarian (1)
I will come to help on “ Friday afternoon / Saterday morning ” (1)
(1) Strike out what is not applicable.