The Board of the garden association BTD is organizing an excursion to the arboretum “de Poort-Bulten” at de Lutte on Saturday, September 10th, 2011. It is a beautiful area for strolling, with over 1.000 different kinds of trees and bushes.
09.00: Departure by bike from the blokhut of the garden association to de Lutte or
09.45: Departure by car from the blokhut of the garden association to de Lutte.
10.30: Tour in the arboretum by a volunteer of the arboretum.
12.00: Picnic.
13.30: Return to Enschede.
The picnic will be held in the arboretum and will be arranged. Those interested in this excursion can register with Charlotte Bijron.
De expenses for this excursion are:
Tour of the arboretum : € 2,50 to be paid at the departure in Enschede
Transport by car : € 3,00 to be paid to the driver
At registration, the Board would like to know who is willing to put his/her car at the disposal of the excursion.