UTUT-KringArchiveActivities2024Nov 23: Sinterklaas party (in Dutch)

Nov 23: Sinterklaas party (in Dutch)

The Sint and his helpers are very happy to visit us again at the UT. On Saturday 23 November at 13:30 we will give him a warm welcome in the Agora of the Vrijhof. Doors close at 14:00. Of course, he will bring gifts and there will be refreshments, coffee, tea and lemonade. The language of the event will be Dutch, because that is the language of the volunteers of the music association that organizes it, but we will do everything we can to make sure that everyone feels welcome.


Deadline registration: Sign up before November 15 by sending an email to Anita, f.a.vandijk@utwente.nl. Please provide: Full name of child, age, boy/girls and number of (grand) parents.

Date: Saturday November 23 

Time: 13:30 

Location: Agora, Vrijhof building 

Costs: € 7.50 per child of UT-Kringleden, including the gift. For UT-Kringleden the entrance fee is € 2.50, for (grand)parents as well, per person.

The age limit for children is 10 years.