TOPSQUADNewsEqual opportunities activities at NCCR SPIN under the lead of Prof. Jelena Klinovaja (University of Basel)

Equal opportunities activities at NCCR SPIN under the lead of Prof. Jelena Klinovaja (University of Basel)

TOPSQUAD principal investigator Prof. Jelena Klinovaja is leading initiatives in promoting equality within the ‘Spin Qubits in Silicon’ network, one of the National Centers of Competence in Research in Switzerland. The main objective of NCCR SPIN is to develop reliable, fast, compact, scalable spin qubits in silicon. At long term NCCR SPIN wants to make a fundamental contribution to the creation of a universal quantum computer. The creation of an inclusive environment is an important goal of NCCR SPIN and several related activities are developed within this network.

The #NCCRWomen campaign launched on the Women’s Day on March 8 shared on YouTube and Instagram stories of female researchers in the Swiss NCCR. The video below presents the story of Katharina Laubscher, PhD student in the Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing group at the University of Basel and part of NCCR SPIN. In her research, Katharina uses the laws of quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of matter at small scale. Her work provides the theoretical foundations for a new generation of extremely powerful computers – quantum computers.

The NCCR SPIN gives special attention to events like the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. For this occasion, women and role models working in the SPIN network presented their choice for a career in science and the necessary efforts for a future with equality. Furthermore, the program Spin Master’s Fellowship has been developed to promote the increase of the number of women researchers in the field of partaking laboratories of the SPIN network. Through this program excellent female students are empowered to conduct their Master's research project in a NCCR SPIN laboratory.

More information and updates on this topic are avaialble on the NCCR-SPIN Diversity & Inclusion website.