Topologically Protected and Scalable Quantum Bits (TOPSQUAD)

The TOPSQUAD project aims to bring a crucial contribution towards realizing the building blocks for the future quantum computer, the so-called quantum bits or qubits. Such a quantum computer is exponentially stronger and faster than a classical computer and can solve global challenges of our time related to health, energy, and the climate.

TOPSQUAD addresses the two major obstacles in realizing a quantum computer: qubit fragility and qubit scalability. The qubit fragility translates to the fact that any small perturbance of the environment destroys the quantum information. Secondly, the number of qubits in the existing quantum systems is very limited and need to scale up to reach tens of thousands of qubits required for a universal quantum computer. In TOSPQUAD, we try to solve the fragility by realizing so-called topological states - stable states of matter with properties that are not destroyed by local perturbances. The scalability is tackled by using the standard CMOS technology used for the everyday chips. 

"If we indeed manage to combine scalability with topological states, then we can make a tremendous step towards the realization of a quantum computer." Prof. Floris Zwanenburg, coordinator TOPSQUAD.

Leading scientists join forces in this project to address these challenging tasks for the first time in the world by using germanium nanowires synthetized in networks on silicon wafers.


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