GrIN: Growth of Interactive Nanolayers
Project number: 14HTSM 06
Title: Growth of Interactive Nanolayers (GrIN)
Executive organisational unit: XUV Optics, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente
Programme management: Prof.dr. F. Bijkerk (
Duration: 2014-2019
Researcher: Dr. A.E. Yakshin, Dr. M. Sturm, Prof. G. Rijnders, MESA+
Daily supervisor: Dr. A.E. Yakshin, Dr. M. Sturm, MESA+
Industrial partners: Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
This project addressed thin film layer growth requirements for new types of advanced EUV optical schemes. These included layer materials and configurations which can be adjusted or manipulated to accommodate optical adjustments in the Extreme UV wavelength range. The focus was on the basic layer growth of piezo and pyro-electric materials and a new, for the group additional, method for deposition, namely DC and RF magnetron sputtering of these materials.
Results and utilisation
The GrIN funds have enabled hardware additions to the existing layer growth and analysis facilities of the XUV Optics group. These were used to explore the detailed piezo-electric properties of notably PZT materials, including their piezo-electric constants, hysteresis, and morphologic properties in the twinning SMILE2 project. No manpower was allocated to the GrIN funds, but a relevant publication is Optics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 20 / 15 October 2019.
The utilisation is unique, having an industrial follow-up at the industrial partner and potentially other partners as well as applications at different scientific x-ray facilities.