Research themes

The research group XUV Optics of the Faculty Science and Technology of the University of Twente is involved in different aspects of science and technology.

Our Research themes are:

The research is focussed on the following activities

Plasma-driven physics and surface chemistry at elevated temperatures

My research theme is (EUV) plasma-driven physics and (surface) chemistry at elevated temperatures for nanomaterials. This includes topics such as thin film  layer growth, plasma processes, development of new technology and device fabrication.

For more information, please contact Dr. Marko Sturm

'Advanced’ layer growth and (reactive) annealing/exposure experiments

For more information, please contact Dr. Robbert van de Kruijs.

Piezoelectric films (PIEZO)

In this research line, we investigate the deposition, characterization and analysis of piezoelectric thin films with a focus on exploring the structure-property relations for EUV relevant applications. Two concrete application examples that are intensively studied nowadays are adaptive EUV optics and active wafer  clamps. The overall goal is to explore the fundamental material properties to develop piezoelectric actuators which are fast, energy efficient and sub-nanometer accurate.

For more information, please contact Dr. Muharrem Bayraktar

Transmission gratings (GRATINGS)

In this research line, we investigate the deposition, characterization and analysis of piezoelectric thin films with a focus on exploring the structure-property relations for EUV relevant applications. Two concrete application examples that are intensively studied nowadays are adaptive EUV optics and active wafer  clamps. The overall goal is to explore the fundamental material properties to develop piezoelectric actuators which are fast, energy efficient and sub-nanometer accurate. 

For more information, please contact Dr. Muharrem Bayraktar.

Surface chemistry or surface interaction

In this research team we study the interaction of thin film coating materials with gases, plasma, ions and photons. We study for instance chemical modifications and morphology changes and use this knowledge to design materials and operating conditions that enhance the lifetime of optical coatings in  applications.

For more information, please contact Dr. Marko Sturm.

Multilayer physics or Physics of multilayers (MULTILAYERS)

We design, deposit, and characterize multilayer Bragg structures for a broad range of wavelengths. Our focus is on exploring the growth physics and atomic-scale interactions at interfaces, which determine crucial properties of the multilayers. The ultimate goal is on enhancing reflectance and thermal stability, but  also precise control of the angular and spectral response of the Bragg optics.

For more information, please contact Dr. Andrey Yakshin.