UTFacultiesTNWDept NEMResearchXUVNewsVisit of municipal executive of Enschede at XUV

Visit of municipal executive of Enschede at XUV

Special visit today at XUV!

We were pleased to welcome the municipal executive ('college van burgemeester en wethouders') of Enschede (Mayor Roelof Bleker, Aldermen Arjan Kampman, Jeroen Diepemaat, Marc Teutelink, Niels van den Berg and Harmjan Vedder and 'gemeentesecretaris' Kees Meijer and 'loco-gemeentesecretaris' Erdo Smitt at XUV today.

This visit gave us the chance to present our ongoing research and emphasize the importance of the academic-industrial collaboration that supports our work in EUV and X-ray optics.

Chairholder Prof.dr. Marcelo Ackermann shared insights into the exciting projects our team is currently working on. It was a great opportunity to highlight the valuable connections that help drive our research forward.