UTFacultiesTNWResearchDepartments (2024)

Departments S&T

Explore scientific research at the Faculty of Science & Technology, where eight dynamic departments drive innovation.

From Fluids & Soft Matter to Sustainable Materials & Processes, each department emphasizes crucial themes such as Climate, Energy, Health, Safety & Security and Water. Discover our impactful contributions in nanotechnology, renewable energy and healthcare. Ready to dive deeper?

Discover the unique contributions of each department, collectively shaping the future of science and technology.

  • Applied Nanophotonics (ANP)
  • Bioengineering Technologies (BET)
  • Biomedical Imaging & Sensing (BIS)
  • Membrane Science and Technology (MST)
  • Nano Electronic Materials (NEM)
  • Molecules and Materials (MM)
  • Physics of Fluids (PoF)
  • Chemical Engineering (CE)