Venue and program

Program Sunday October 8–Wednesday october 11

See program here

All scientific talks will be held in the Vrijhof Amphitheater (47). The registration desk will still be open during most of the breaks to get your name tag.

Studium generale

On Tuesday there will be a Studium Generale organized by the University of Twente together with us focusing on the relevance of fluid dynamics in society, and also open to the general public.

Daily lunches

Lunches will not be offered during the workshop. However, a large diversity of lunches are offered in the following locations (sorted by distance from venue):

- Vrijhof Café (47)

- U-Park hotel (45)

- Subway Bastille (48)

- Waaier (12)

- Gallery (17)

- Horst (20) 

Campus Map

Map can be found here