7th Frontiers in Electrochemical Manufacturing meeting - organized by HyCC, Nobian and Nouryon
September 21, 2023
“This event promotes the knowledge exchange between colleagues and academic partners working in the field of electrochemical manufacturing.
Views about safety, e-flex, the chlorate process, water electrolysis, chlor-alkali electrolysis and many more topics were exchanged.
Additionally, a peek was taken at the Hydrohub Innovation Program's MW Test Center where a tour was given on alkaline and PEM electrolysers demo units.
Also, HyStock Waterstofopslag’s hydrogen pilot at Zuidwending, as well as GroenLeven & Alliander's Sinnewetterstof project in Oosterwolde were visited.
PhD and Postdoc students presented their work in a poster session, where a prize was given for the best poster presentation.”