Meet the team

Backed by three dedicated staff members, our faculty is driven by a passionate quintet of bachelor's and master's students working tirelessly to enhance the sustainability of their beloved academic community.


  • Jan den Uijl, Operations (Chemical Science & Engineering)

    This role focuses on identifying and coordinating sustainability initiatives within the faculty.

    During my life, sustainability has been a big motivator in almost everything I do. This is especially true in my studies. As a master’s student in the Chemical & Process Engineering programme, I am driven to find new and effective ways to make processes more sustainable, something that is desperately needed if we want to save our world. Within our faculty, we have a lot of capabilities to have a real positive impact on the planet. Through our work at the faculty green hub, we can guide our faculty into more sustainable development. I am very motivated to work with this green hub and confident we can make a change together.

  • Pepijn Hoekstra, Research (Applied Physics)

    Here, we dig into ongoing research projects to explore how their findings can be implemented for a greener faculty.

    I am excited to introduce myself as the Research Officer of the S&T Faculty Green Hub. My lifelong commitment to a sustainable future has led me here. Since starting as an Applied Physics student, I've been drawn to the research conducted by our faculty. Now, as a part of the S&T Green Hub, I'm dedicated to helping to merge this research with sustainability. My task as Research Officer is to ensure that our faculty's research endeavours are driving us towards a sustainable world, uniting us all in the pursuit of the sustainable future I've always envisioned since high school.

  • Julia Vendrig, Education (Advanced Technology)

    This role is committed to integrating sustainability into our education.

    Hi there! I am a bachelor’s student within the S&T faculty whose interests gravitate towards three main fields: technology, education, and sustainability. I often combine these fields with a flare of creativity. Therefore, I am delighted to introduce myself as the Education Officer of S&T's Green Hub. This position allows me to combine my passions to achieve my function’s primary objective: embed sustainability into the S&T faculty through educational affairs. I’m excited to connect, collaborate, and learn from individuals who share my passion for sustainability and are equally dedicated to minimising their carbon, water, and land footprint. Accordingly, I am pleased to work with my fellow S&T Green Hub members and eager to enact green, sustainable and environmentally friendly changes within our faculty.

  • Tigo Kok, Marketing (Advanced Technology/Msc Sustainable Energy Technology)

    Responsible for communicating and promoting our projects and events; this role ensures our message resonates far and wide.

    Having studied at S&T for four years now, there is something that has always caught my attention: there is so much raw talent and knowledge at our faculty, but it is often wasted because of the lack of communication. During projects for my studies at Advanced Technology, I noticed that I really enjoyed being the central pillar of the team, guiding conversations and making sure everyone could put their expertise to use. Sustainability is not an engineering problem and requires insight from every angle. As the Marketing and Communication officer at S&T Green Hub, I want to make sure information is flowing from and to the right people to make use of all the talent at our faculty and share our triumphs to show everyone what S&T is capable of.

  • Fiona Hafferl, Community (Chemical Science & Engineering)

    This sector organises sustainability-related events, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility within the faculty.

    The main reason I decided to study Chemical Engineering was my passion for sustainability and the environment. When it comes to current issues, I really appreciate the saying, "Think globally, act locally," and that's precisely what we aim to achieve with the Faculty Green Hubs. Our goal is not only to coordinate sustainability initiatives across the S&T Faculty but also to demonstrate how sustainability can be addressed at its roots. As the community officer, my objective is to engage students and staff in this collaborative journey toward a greener university.


  • Iris Alijn, Biomaterial Scientist & Lecturer BMT

    I am a lecturer in the Biomedical Technology bachelor (modules 2, 5 and 11) and have a background in biomedical sciences and nanomedicine. I remember that as a student, I placed many reminders in the university building to turn off the lights and, as a PhD candidate, introduced one of the first plastic waste containers in the labs. Besides that, I like to do (guerilla) gardening to improve our local biodiversity and climate. It is a privilege to work together with very motivated students to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable university. Please feel free to visit me at my office. I am always happy to discuss sustainability and biodiversity ideas.

  • Leonie Krab-Hüsken, Programme Director CSE

    Nature, climate change and sustainability have always interested and motivated me. My very dedicated high-school chemistry teacher started raising my awareness, and as a student in the green, bio-oriented town of Wageningen, my interest rose further. After my PhD in bioprocess engineering, I worked in university education in Leiden and Twente. Currently, I am the programme director of Chemical Science & Engineering. I believe that we have a responsibility to educate students about climate change, and about the difference they can make as future (chemical) engineers in contributing to positive change by educating others, joining the debate, by doing research in the field of the energy transition or sustainable processes, and by the choices they make. I am also an active volunteer for the Scientists4Future-Twente coalition of concerned scientists. With my network within UT, I hope to contribute to the Faculty Green Hub, aiming for a more sustainable and future-proof faculty.

  • Rolf Slaats, Sustainable Labs Coordinator

    I worked as a PhD candidate and PostDoc in the field of stem cellbased cardiac disease modeling, where I spent most of my time in cell culture and molecular biology labs. There, I witnessed first-hand that (medical) research makes a big impact on the environment through excessive waste production and energy use. This bitter aftertaste of science motivated me to start a green team in my research building with like-minded colleagues to start making changes, and it led me to join the Green Labs NL foundation, which works on sustainable science on a national scale. Ultimately, last April (2023), I was appointed full-time Sustainable Labs Coordinator at the University of Twente, allowing me to fully commit to the cause.