
07 July 2023

Day 2 NPS 2023

We had a very successful start yesterday. Our first plenary speakers gave their talk, with plenty of engagement of the public. The presentations in the parallel session were very interesting. The food was plentiful and delicious, and the atmosphere was good.

Today, we hope to see you all again and have another incredible day.

06 July 2023

Plenary talk in room 10

Please note that the plenary talk and parallel sessions in room 5 will take place in Room 10

06 July 2023

NPS 2023 Starts Today

Welcome to everybody joining NPS 2023 today and tomorrow. We hope you had a safe journey and enjoy the conference

03 July 2023

Award for Best Oral Presentation & Best Poster Presentation

We are happy to announce that the best oral presentation & best poster presentation will receive an award at the end of NPS2023, sponsored by NPT. 

More info about NPT

30 June 2023

Dean of TNW Faculty give opening speech

During the opening of NPS 2023, the Dean of the TNW faculty of the University of Twente will give a speech about engineering a better tomorrow. With topics such as internationalisation, the next students and other relevant subjects. 

20 June 2023

Submission Oral & Poster Presentation

You can upload your oral or poster presentation on the website now. For the poster submission, please do this before the 4th of July 23:59

Presentation Submission

09 June 2023

Program available now!

The NPS 2023 program is now availble on this website. With 5 plenary speakers, 6 keynote talks, over 60 oral presentations, and almost 40 posters is promises to be an interesting two days.

Click here to find out

Updated program available per 20 June 2023

02 June 2023

Registration open until 18th of June

Have you registered yet? You can do this before the 18th of June. If you have any questions or special requirements, please send an email to

Click here to register

24 May 2023

Fifth Plenary Speaker Confirmed!

Today we confirmed the final and fifth speaker for NPS 2023.Pilar Ruiz Ramiro will be speaking about Chemical Recycling of Packaging Waste via Thermal Pyrolysis

Click here for more information