Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Andrea Ramirez

TU Delft


Dr. Andrea Ramírez Ramírez is professor of Low Carbon Systems and Technologies in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology. She holds a bachelor’s in chemical engineering, a master’s in human ecology, and a PhD in the field of industrial energy efficiency. Her research aims to support the defosilization of industrial clusters by developing and testing methodologies that can be used to identify and assess impacts, synergisms and bottlenecks of deploying novel technologies at industrial and system level. The research combines bottom-up assessment of novel technologies (e.g., reactions, yields, products, operation conditions) with a systematic evaluation of horizontal and vertical interdependencies in dynamic industrial systems. The research is interdisciplinary in character and integrates her chemical engineering background with ex-ante techno-economic analysis, environmental life cycle assessment and system analysis. Prof Ramírez is champion (boogbeld) of the NWA Energy transition route. She has (co-) authored over 115 publications and is Editor-inChief of the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Hans Hasse

TU Kaiserslautern


Prof. Hans Hasse is a Professor of Thermodynamics at RPTU Kaiserslautern, Germany. His research focusses on properties of complex fluid mixtures and links molecular thermodynamics to fluid separation process design. He is author of more than 400 scientific papers and 40 patents and has received many distinctions, including an ERC Advanced Grant and the Ernest Solvay Prize. Since 2020, he is Vice President of the German Science Foundation DFG. Before joining RPTU Kaiserslautern, he was a Professor of Thermodynamics and Fluid Separations at University of Stuttgart, and a process engineer at BASF, Ludwigshafen.  

Ir. Herman Klein Tesselink



CV: Herman Klein Teeselink has a Master Chemical engineering (1985) and started to work at an engineering company. In 1986 he went to Stork to become a specialist in gasification CHP. In 1988 he gained his master Industrial Engineering & Management. In 1991 Stork and Holec asked him to set up a consultancy company on energy saving in the industry: HoSt. In 1999 he bought HoSt from the original owners and transformed the company to a mayor supplier of bioenergy systems like biogas units, biogas upgrading, biomass fired combined heat and power, CO2 capture from flue gasses CO2 liquification.

Ir. Peter Veenstra



Peter Veenstra is Senior Principal Science Expert at Shell. Peter’s roles include experimentation in the lab, design and commissioning of new (reactor, heat transfer, mixing, separation, transport, energy) technologies, technical services to all businesses, operation in many different countries across the globe, and modelling of technologies and processes. Further career experiences are in fundamental research, research collaborations, international joint industry projects, advisory councils of companies and research projects at national and continent level and venture capital investing support. He served for 8 years as chair of the industrial advisory board of the JM Burgers Centre for fluid mechanics and is member of the selection committee of the national science agenda (Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda) in The Netherlands.

Dr. M. Pilar Ruiz

University of Twente

Chemical recycling of packaging plastic waste via thermal pyrolysis

M. Pilar Ruiz is Associate Professor at the Sustainable Process Technology group at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. She holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering and has both industrial and academic experience in the field of chemical technology for sustainable processes. Specifically, her research focuses on developing chemical processes for thermochemical and catalytic conversion of complex feedstocks, such as lignocellulosic biomass and plastic waste. She has (co-)authored over 45 scientific papers and 6 industrial patents. She is also board member of the Dutch Process Technology (NPT) Association.