
RECENT NLNP publications

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Chip-integrated extended-cavity mode-locked laser in the visible (2024)Optics letters, 49(24), 6916-6919. Winkler, L. V., Neijts, G., Bastiaens, H. M. J., Goodwin, M. J., van Rees, A., Schrinner, P. P. J., Hoekman, M., Dekker, R., do Nascimento Jr., A. R., van der Slot, P. J. M., Nölleke, C. & Boller, K.-J. photonics engine in the thin-film lithium niobate platform (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Ye, K., Feng, H., Morsche, R. t., Mishra, A., Klaver, Y., Wei, C., Zheng, Z., Keloth, A., Işık, A. T., Chen, Z., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D. Brillouin scattering in a non-suspended ultra-low-loss thick-SOI platform (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Ye, K., Keloth, A., Marin, Y. E., Cherchi, M., Aalto, T. & Marpaung, D. Mode-Locking of a Hybrid Integrated Diode Laser at Sub-GHz Repetition Rate (2024)Photonics, 11. Article 1002. Memon, A., van Rees, A., Mak, J., Fan, Y., van der Slot, P. J. M., Bastiaens, H. M. J. & Boller, K.-J.Surface acoustic waves Brillouin photonics on a silicon nitride chip (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Botter, R. A., Hashemi, B., Frare, B. L. S., Mishra, A., Ye, K., Mbonde, H., Ahmadi, P. T., Taleghani, N. M., Jonker, E., Braamhaar, R. B. G., Selvaganapathy, P. R., Mascher, P., van der Slot, P. J. M., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D. stimulated Brillouin scattering via surface acoustic waves (2024)APL Photonics, 9(10). Article 106114. Neijts, G., Lai, C. K., Kramer Riseng, M., Choi, D. Y., Yan, K., Marpaung, D., Madden, S. J., Eggleton, B. J. & Merklein, M. RF Photonic Front-End Capable of Simultaneous Cascaded Functions (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Shi, S., Ye, K., Wei, C., Yun, B. & Marpaung, D. multifunctional integrated microwave photonic circuit on thin-film lithium niobate (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Wei, C., Feng, H., Ye, K., Eijkel, M., Klaver, Y., Chen, Z., Keloth, A., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D. nonlinearity characterizations of a high refractive index silicon oxynitride platform [Invited] (2024)Optical materials express, 14(10), 2225-22238. Ye, K., Keloth, A., Klaver, Y., Baldazzi, A., Piccoli, G., Sanna, M., Pavesi, L., Ghulinyan, M. & Marpaung, D. tunable and narrow-linewidth hybrid-integrated diode laser at 637 nm (2024)Optics express, 32(17), 29710-29720. Winkler, L. V., Gerritsma, K., van Rees, A., Schrinner, P. P. J., Hoekman, M., Dekker, R., do Nascimento Jr., A. R., van der Slot, P. J. M., Nölleke, C. & Boller, K.-J. Acousto-Optic Modulation in Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Circuit (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2024. Zheng, Z., Feng, H., Işık, A., Ye, K., van der Slot, P. J. M., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D.Parallel Sensing with Multiple Microrings on a Single Bus Waveguide (2024)IEEE journal of quantum electronics, 60(3), 1-5. Article 7500105. Zheng, Z., Hendriks, W. A. P. M., Garcia-Blanco, S. M. & Chang, L. Acoustic Waves for Acousto-optic Modulation in Silicon Nitride Platform (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conference on Laser Science and Electro-optics, CLEO 2024. Zheng, Z., van der Slot, P. J. M. & Marpaung, D.Observation of a Brillouin dynamic grating in silicon nitride waveguides (2024)APL Photonics, 9(4). Article 046105. Botter, R., van den Hoogen, J., Mishra, A., Ye, K., van Rees, A., Hoekman, M., Boller, K. & Marpaung, D. Four-Channel TDM Clocked-Analog LDO Using a Shared Compensation Block for Thermo-Optic Tuning (2024)IEEE transactions on circuits and systems I: regular papers, 71(3), 1050-1060. Ye, T., Ye, K., Xie, Z. & Tan, M. Brillouin scattering in silicon nitride based waveguides (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Botter, R. A. nonlinearity characterizations of a high refractive index silicon oxynitride platform (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Ye, K., Keloth, A., Klaver, Y., Baldazzi, A., Piccoli, G., Sanna, M., Pavesi, L., Ghulinyan, M. & Marpaung, D. Brillouin Microwave Photonic Notch Filter in Thin Film Lithium Niobate Platform (2024)In CLEO: Science and Innovations 2024. Article STu4P.4. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Mishra, A., Ye, K., Feng, H., Klaver, Y., Keloth, A., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D. dynamic gratings in silicon nitride waveguides (2024)In Proceedings: CLEO 2024 (Technical Digest Series). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Botter, R., van den Hoogen, J., Mishra, A., Ye, K., van Rees, A., Hoekman, M., Boller, K. & Marpaung, D. stimulated Brillouin scattering in tellurite covered silicon nitride waveguides via geometric and cladding engineering (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Conference on Laser Science and Electro-optics, CLEO 2024. Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Hashemi, B., Segat Frare, B. L., Ahmadi, P. T., Taleghani, N. M., Jonker, E., Botter, R. A., Ye, K., Mishra, A., Braamhaar, R. B. G., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D. Photonic Notch Filter Using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a Si3N4-TeO2 Hybrid Waveguide (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2024. Mishra, A., Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Lu ́ıs Segat Frare, B., Hashemi, B., Taleghani, N. M., Torab Ahmadi, P., Jonker, E., Bradley, J. & Marpaung, D.Multi-frequency Brillouin lasing: Towards Brillouin driven dual-comb sources (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 2nd Frequency combs 2024. Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Botter, R. A., Hashemi, B., Segat Frare, B., Ahmadi, P. T., Taleghani, N. M., Jonker, E., Ye, K., Mishra, A., Braamhaar, R. B. G., van der Slot, P. J. M., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D.Net Brillouin gain in tellurite covered silicon nitride waveguides (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2024. Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Botter, R. A., Hashemi, B., Segat Frare, B., Ahmadi, P. T., Taleghani, N. M., Jonker, E., Ye, K., Mishra, A., Braamhaar, R. B. G., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D.Physical mode analysis of multimode cascaded nonlinear processes in strongly-coupled waveguides (2024)In Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2024 . Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Xia, L., van der Slot, P. J. M., Timmerkamp, M., Fallnich, C. & Boller, K.-J. mode analysis of multimode cascaded nonlinear processes in strongly-coupled waveguides (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Xia, L., van der Slot, P. J. M., Toebes, C. & Boller, K.-J. Notch Filtering and True Time Delay RF Photonic Front-End (2024)In The 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics - Proceedings of ECIO 2024 (pp. 189-192) (Springer Proceedings in Physics; Vol. 402). Springer. Shi, S., Ye, K., van den Berg, M. T., Daulay, O., Liu, G. & Marpaung, D. Brillouin Scattering Gain of Waveguides Calculated with Acoustic Perturbation Method (2024)Journal of physics: Conference series, 2866(1). Article 012022. Ramadhan, K., Permana, D. P., Hidayat, W., Soehianie, A., Marpaung, D. & Iskandar, A. A. Brillouin scattering in a 3 µm thick non-suspended silicon platform (2024)In CLEO 2024. Ye, K., Marin, Y. E., Cherchi, M., Aalto, T. & Marpaung, D. Brillouin scattering in tellurite-covered silicon nitride waveguides (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin Scattering, WOMBAT 2024. Botter, R. A., Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Segat Frare, B., Hashemi, B., Ye, K., Mishra, A., Braamhaar, R. B. G., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D.Surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in thin-film lithium niobate waveguides (2024)In CLEO: Science and Innovations 2024. Article STu4P.3. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Ye, K., Feng, H., Klaver, Y., Keloth, A., Mishra, A., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D. Acoustic Waves for Acousto-optic Modulation in Silicon Nitride Platform (2024)In CLEO: 2024. Zheng, Z., van der Slot, P. & Marpaung, D.


Surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in a photonic integrated circuit (2023)In 2023 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). Neijts, G., Lai, C. K., Kramer Riseng, M., Choi, D.-Y., Yan, K., Marpaung, D., Madden, S. J., Eggleton, B. J. & Merklein, M. progress of on-chip linearization methods for microwave photonic systems (2023)In AOPC 2023: AI in Optics and Photonics. Article 129662D (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12966). SPIE. Liu, G., Tan, Q., Daulay, O., Ye, K., Deng, X., Zheng, F., Yu, H. & Marpaung, D. acoustic wave stimulated Brillouin scattering in thin-film lithium niobate waveguides (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Ye, K., Feng, H., Klaver, Y., Keloth, A., Mishra, A., Wang, C. & Marpaung, D. in superconducting rf cavities and the impact on vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser oscillator performance (2023)Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 26(10). Article 100701. Lumpkin, A. H., Freund, H. P., Reinsch, M. & van der Slot, P. J. M. the light said: "Let there be sound!" (2023)[Book/Report › Inaugural speech]. University of Twente. Marpaung, D. Brillouin Scattering: Activation and Application (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2023. Mishra, A., Botter, R. A., Ye, K., Klaver, Y., Zheng, Z., Keloth, A., Işık, A., Wei, C., Braamhaar, R. B. G., van der Slot, P. J. M. & Bastiaens, H. M. J.Compact multi-mode silicon-nitride micro-ring resonator with low loss (2023)Advanced Photonics, 5(5). Article 050503. Ye, K. & Marpaung, D. Brillouin scattering in tellurite-covered silicon nitride waveguides (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Botter, R. A., Klaver, Y., te Morsche, R., Segat Frare, B. L., Hashemi, B., Ye, K., Mishra, A., Braamhaar, R. B. G., Bradley, J. D. B. & Marpaung, D. and Kerr nonlinearities of a low-index silicon oxynitride platform (2023)APL Photonics, 8(5). Article 051302. Ye, K., Klaver, Y., Gordillo, O. A. J., Botter, R., Daulay, O., Morichetti, F., Melloni, A. & Marpaung, D. integrated microwave photonic circuit for filtering and phase shifting (2023)APL Photonics, 8(5). Article 051303. Liu, G., Ye, K., Daulay, O., Tan, Q., Yu, H. & Marpaung, D. on-Chip Supercontinuum Generation from Sign-Alternating-Dispersion Waveguides (2023)Advanced photonics research, 4(5). Zia, H., Ye, K., Klaver, Y., Marpaung, D. & Boller, K.-J. Brillouin activated microcombs in multi-layered silicon nitride waveguides (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 24th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2023. Klaver, Y., Ye, K., Botter, R. A. & Marpaung, D.Brillouin and Kerr nonlinearities of a low-index silicon oxynitride platform (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Ye, K., Klaver, Y., Gordillo, O. A. J., Botter, R., Daulay, O., Morichetti, F., Melloni, A. & Marpaung, D. Scattering from Longitudinal-Shear Hybrid and Surface Acoustic Waves in Tailored Chalcogenide Waveguides (2023)In Frontiers in Optics: Proceedings Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023, FiO, LS 2023. Optical Society of America. Neijts, G., Lai, C. K., Kramer Riseng, M., Choi, D. Y., Yan, K., Marpaung, D., Madden, S. J., Eggleton, B. J. & Merklein, M. Multi-Function Integrated RF Photonic Front-End (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2023. Ye, K., Daulay, O., Liu, G. & Marpaung, D.