
Maarten graduated

5 October 2024

After a long period of study, Maarten Eijkel successfully defended his Master’s thesis titled “Integrated microwave photonic technique for RF interference mitigation”, on September 30th.

In his defense, the whole group suited up to bang the drum for Maarten. Congrats, Maarten!

MESA+ day

26 September 2024

We had a great time at the annual MESA+ day at the Kinepolis cinema this week!

Steven and Akshay gave two well received talks, sharing our latest SBS discoveries and exciting progress in fabrication. Additionally, Tarik and Chuangchuang also did a great job with their posters, which drew a lot of attention.

Congrats to everyone for the nice presentations!

Cheng Wang visit our lab

24 September 2024

Last Friday, Prof. Cheng Wang from the City University of Hong Kong visited our lab. We showed him our lab and also the cleanroom at MESA+. Afterward, we had a fruitful discussion about our collaborations on thin-film lithium niobate.

Invited paper in Optical Materials Express

04 September 2024

We are excited to share our invited paper in the optomechanical photonics special issue of Optical Materials Express, titled “Brillouin nonlinearity characterizations of a high refractive index silicon oxynitride platform”.

In this paper, we explore the operating principles of an ultra-sensitive triple-intensity-modulated lock-in amplifier setup for Brillouin characterization, packed with a lot of practical experimental tips throughout.

Congrats Steven!

Michael Steel visit our lab

21 August 2024

Prof. Michael Steel from the Macquarie University visit our lab this month. During his visit, we had a great discussion about our latest Brillouin photonics results, and he shared some really insightful feedback. Thank you for visiting us, Mike!

group photo with Prof. Steel (second from the left)

ECIO 2024

21 June 2024

This week, we attended the 2024 European Conference on Integrated Optics in Aachen, Germany. We got the opportunity to present and discuss the latest progress happening in our group with four oral and three poster presentations.

Congrats all for these beautiful results!

New visiting student: Dharma Prasetya Permana

28 May 2024

We welcome Dharma Prasetya Permana to join our group as an intern for the next few months.

Dharma obtained his BSc in Physics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia in 2023. Before he starts his Erasmus Mundus Joint Master EuroPhotonics program in September 2024, he will work with Yvan on the four-wave mixing experiments in our group.

Good luck, Dharma! Hope you will enjoy your time here!

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Dharma in the lab

Roel graduated

05 April 2024

On March 25th, Roel successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon nitride based waveguides".

Roel's contributions to research in our group over the past few years have been remarkable. He unlocked the first on-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering signal in our group. Additionally, he advanced the SBS signal by employing tellurite-covered silicon nitride waveguides. Furthermore, he explored new Brillouin-based applications, i.e. Brillouin dynamic gratings.

Roel will start his new career as the integrated optics system architect at LioniX. Congrats, Roel! And good luck!

Roel (center) with his paranymphs Yvan(right) and Robert (left) before the defense

Roel with the committee members and his girlfriend after the successful defense

New publication at APL Photonics

05 April 2024

We are pleased to share a new publication of our paper at APL Photonics , titled “Observation of a Brillouin dynamic grating in silicon nitride waveguides”. In this paper, we report the first ever observation of Brillouin dynamic gratings in silicon nitride waveguides. Congrats Roel and Jasper!

Principle of the Brillouin dynamic gratings

WOMBAT workshop

18 February 2024

Last week, Yvan and Steven attended the 5th International Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin-Mandelstam Scattering (WOMBAT) in Campinas, Brazil.

It is an outstanding workshop with a lot of interesting talks. From our side, Yvan contributed an oral contribution about SBS in the tellurite-covered silicon nitride waveguides. In the meantime, Steven presented a poster about the overview of the SBS characterization activities in the scalable photonic integrated platform.

Yvan is giving the oral presentation

Roadmapping day 2024

19 January 2024

The first NLNP roadmapping day was successfully held on January 19, 2024. We summarized the research activities in the last year and discussed goals for the near-term and long-term future. It is a truly fun day filled with new ideas and nice food. Thanks, Zheng and Carla for organizing it!

Group dinner after the full-day discussions

ERC Proof of Concept grant

18 January 2024

Our group is awarded the prestigious ERC proof of concept grant for the project Veritas. We will receive 150k euros for this project to develop versatile, reconfigurable light sources in photonic integrated circuits. Congrats, the Veritas team!

This news also appears at the University of Twente website.

The Veritas team

Randy graduated

15 December 2023

On December 15th, Randy te Morsche successfully defended his Master's project on “Stimulated Brillouin scattering and lasing in tellurite-covered silicon nitride photonics”. He worked on this project with his daily supervisor Yvan Klaver, and they have made great progress together.

Congrats, Randy! Enjoy your short break before rejoining us for the Ph.D. project next year!

Randy (left) received two physics books and one comics as graduation gifts from the group

Lou received KHMW Young Talent Graduation Award

06 December 2023

Lou Kanger, a former master student from our group, received the KHMW Young Talent Graduation Prizes for his master's project on optical frequency combs. Lou explored frequency combs integrated on a single chip and developed innovative ways to test them for applications in next-generation radio communication.

Currently, Lou works at Enlightra, a start-up company in the field of frequency combs in Switzerland. Prior to his departure to receive the prize, he also gave us an exciting presentation about the latest progress in optical frequency combs and a live demo of the up-to-date prototype from Enlightra.

Congrats Lou! We are so proud of you!

Lou (right) received the prize at the ceremony

Lou gave a demo of the optical frequency comb prototype from Enlightra

Jitse graduated

08 November 2023

On November 9th, Jitse Boonstra successfully graduated from our group with Bachelor degree. He worked with Zheng on “Calibration and control of cascaded microring resonators using Extremum Seeking Control” for the last two months.

Congrats, Jitse!

Jitse received beers from David as the graduation gift

David's inauguration-And light said:"Let there be sound!"

28 September 2023

On September 28, 2023, David hosts his inauguration ceremony for being promoted to full professor and the chair of the Nonlinear Nanophotonics group at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente.

During the inauguration ceremony, David gave the lecture And light said: "Let there be sound!". Group members of NLNP and LPNO, colleagues within the university, guests from the Netherlands and other countries in Europe, and friends and family from Indonesia, all joined the event to celebrate this big moment with David.

Congratulations, David! Wish both the light and sound will always resonate with you!

And light said: "Let there be sound!"

David welcomes the guest before the ceremony

Professors from University of Twente and other institutes congratulate David after his inauguration

David and his family celebrate this big moment with guests from Indonesia

Aldi finished his internship in our group

22 August 2023

On Augest 22th, Aldi Fadhilah finished his half-year internship in our group. He worked on the stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon oxynitride photonics waveguide and its potency for the implementation of Brillouin dynamic grating under the daily supervision of Steven.

Based on his work during the internship, he passed his M.S. defense at the University Jean Monnet with flying colors. Aldi will continue his study as a Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Denmark. Good luck, Aldi! Wish you all the best during your Ph.D.

Aldi brought cakes to share at the farewell party

Martijn graduated

16 May 2023

On May 16th, Martijn van den Berg graduated from our group with Bachelor degree. He worked with Steven and the whole group on "Simultaneous True Time Delay and Notch Filtering photonic RF front-end" for the last half year.

Congrats, Martijn! And keep rowing forward!

Martijn (center) with the graduation committee after the defense

New publication at APL Photonics

15 May 2023

We are pleased that our lastest paper titled "Brillouin and Kerr nonlinearities of a low-index silicon oxynitride platform" has been accepted at APL Photonics, and selected as Editor’s pick.

This is a collaborative work between our group and Prof. Andrea Melloni's research group from Politecnico di Milano. Congrats to all authors!

Artistic representation of the SiON waveguides, showing the four wave mixing process in an all-pass microring resonator and the backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a spiral waveguide.

Artistic representation of the SiON waveguides, showing the four wave mixing process in an all-pass microring resonator and the backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a spiral waveguide.

David celebrated the 12.5-year anniversary

03 Feb. 2023

Time flies fast. David has worked 12.5 years at the University of Twente since his Ph.D. To celebrate this very Dutch anniversary, he brought some Indonesian snacks this week to the whole group.

Congrats, David! Hope you and we as the whole group can make even bigger achievements in the next 12.5 years.

Klaus handed David the celebration letter from the faculty

Redlef graduated

23 Jan. 2022

On January 20th, Redlef Braamhaar defended his MSc thesis titled Polarization pulling in a stimulated Brillouin scattering based microwave photonic filter under the supervision of Yvan and Steven.

After the defense Redlef received a bottle of Whiskey as a gift, and he emptied it an hour later at the celebration party. Congrats Redlef, hope you are not too drunk!

Redlef received the gift from Yvan after the defense

Okky's last day in the group

13 Jan. 2022

After a short graduation trip around Europe, Okky revisited the group for the last time before he leaves the Netherlands. Later, he will start a new life in Indonesian Air Force as a researcher. 

Good luck, Okky! You are always welcome in our group and hope to see you again in the future!

Potluck party 2022

23 Dec. 2022

As 2022 draws close to the end, the group organized a potluck dinner this week to celebrate the coming of the Christmas break. We shared Dutch, German, Pakistani, Chinese, and Indonesian food at the party, and all of them are amazingly delicious!

2022 has been a big year for the group. We have gone through ups and downs together (mostly up :-). Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone! Wish all of us can continue the success in 2023!

Group photo at the potluck party

Group photo at the potluck party

New Publication in Nature Communications

21 Dec. 2022

We are excited to announce that our new paper  Ultrahigh Dynamic Range and Low Noise Figure Programmable Integrated Microwave Photonic Filter has been published in Nature Communications.

Artistic impression of an ultra-high dynamic range programmable integrated MWP circuit.

In this work, we demonstrate reconfigurable filter functions with record-low noise figure and a RF notch filter with ultra-high dynamic range. We achieve this unique feature using versatile complex spectrum tailoring enabled by an all integrated modulation transformer and a double injection ring resonator as a multi-function optical filtering component. Our work breaks the conventional and fragmented approach of integration, functionality and performance that currently prevents the adoption of integrated MWP systems in real applications.

This publication is another achievement for the group in a fruitful 2022. Congrats Okky, Gaojian and the team for all the heroic efforts!

This post also appears at the front page of the University of Twente.

Okky graduated with Ph.D. Cum Laude

16 Dec. 2022

We are super excited that Okky Daulay earned his Ph.D. Cum Laude on December 14th, 2022.

Okky spends four years in our group and has always been an excellent experimentalist, an ambitious colleague, and a dependable teammate.

Thank you for your dedication, Okky! Congratulations and wish you all the best!

Okky defended his Ph.D. thesis with his paranymphs (Steven and Yvan)

Group photo after Okky’s defense

Colloquium by Prof. Radan Slavik (University of Southampton)

13 Dec. 2022

This Tuesday, Prof. Radan Slavik from University of Southampton, United Kingdom gave us a colloquium on Microwave photonics using hollow core optical fibres. Thank you Radan for this impressive talk!

Lab tour with Radan (from left to right: Radan, Yvan, David, Roel, Steven)

New publication in Science Advances

11 Oct. 2022

We are excited to announce that our new paper Guided-acoustic stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon nitride photonic circuits has been published in Science Advances.

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3D illustration of the concept of trapping photon and phonon in multilayer silicon nitride waveguides

In this work, we use the symmetric double-stripe silicon nitride waveguide from LioniX to guide both the photon and phonon, showing the possibility to integrate stimulated Brillouin scattering in large circuits. This breakthrough will potentially be integrated with other emerging technologies such as tunable lasers, frequency combs, and programmable photonic circuits, and giving them a part in the future development of fields ranging from telecommunications to quantum computing.

This publication is a great achievement for Roel, and of course, also for the whole team. Congrats all!

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Photo of the team (from left to right: Okky, Steven, Roel, Peter, David, and Yvan)

This news also appears at the front page of the  University of Twente website.

David becomes a full professor

29 Sep. 2022

Recently, David has been appointed as a full professor of the brand-new chair Nonlinear Nanophotonics (NLNP). From now on, the NLNP will run as an independent research group at the University of Twente.

Oral presentation at ECOC 2022

25 Sep. 2022

We are excited that Steven’s paper has been selected for an oral presentation at ECOC 2022, Basel, Switzerland. The paper is titled, “Integrated Microwave Photonic Phase Shifter with Ultrahigh Dynamic Range”.

Gaojian won a young talent award

07 Sep. 2022

Gaojian has won a young talent award in the flash report competition at the Seventh Chinese Symposium on Microwave Photonics Technology and Applications. His report is about On-chip linearization methods for MWP system. Congratulations Gaojian!

Jasper, Sam, and Lou Graduated

18 July 2022

Three very brilliant students graduated from our group recently!

First, on July 8th Jasper van den Hoogen defended his MSc thesis titled Brillouin dynamic gratings in a silicon nitride waveguide, under the supervision of Roel and Steven.

On July 11th, Sam Rappange defended his BSc thesis titled Programmable double injection coupled ring resonators for microwave photonic signal processing under the supervision of Okky.

Finally, on July 12th Lou Kanger defended his MSc thesis titled Generation of Kerr frequency combs for microwave photonics under the supervision of Yvan and Okky.

After the defenses, all three students received presents for their great work. The whole group also had lunch together to celebrate graduations and the coming of summer holidays.

Two oral presentations at CLEO 2022

8 April 2022

We are excited that two papers in our group have been accepted for oral presentations at CLEO 2022, San Jose, California, USA. They are:

ERC Consolidator grant for David Marpaung

18 March 2022

David received the ERC Consolidator grant for the project TRIFFIC. He will develop an new class of 3D photonic integrated circuit for actuating stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon nitride. With this entirely novel circuit, he will show for the first time that interactions between light and sound can also be programmed, just like for electronic circuits. 

David will receive 2.55 million euros for his project, the largest Consolidator Grant so far in Twente, and third-largest ever in The Netherlands.

This news also appears at the University of Twente website.

New publication in OL

03 January 2022

We have a new publication in Optics Letters (OL) titled Self mode-locking in a high-power hybrid silicon nitride integrated laser.

In this paper, Yvan demonstrated  the self-mode-locking of a hybrid integrated laser comprising two indium phosphide gain sections and a silicon nitride feedback circuit that filters light using two ring resonators.

New funded project from ARC

24 December 2021

Our group, as a partner for the RMIT University in Australia, recently get the Discovery project 2022 funded by Australian Research Council (ARC).

This project will focus on developing new microwave photonic systems based on acousto-electric phonon-amplified SBS.  The official announcement of this project at the ARC website can be found in this  link.

David elected Optica Fellow

20 November 2021

David has been elected Optica Fellow ’For pioneering contributions to the research and development of integrated microwave photonic devices and systems’.

There’s a nice news item on this article appearing at the University of Twente website. The Optica news release is here.

Best student paper award at MWP 2021

18 November 2021

Gaojian won the best student paper award at the 2021 IEEE Microwave Photonics conference. In his paper he reported world-record high dynamic range for an integrated microwave photonic system. Congratulations Gaojian!  

David has been elected as Optica Fellow

14 November 2021

Recently we received a piece of good news that David was elected as a Fellow of the Optica society (formerly OSA)! David brought cakes and celebrated with the whole group. Congratulations David, we are so proud of you!

A farewell to Gaojian

12 November 2021

On November 10th, Gaojian finished his two-year guesting Ph.D. in our group and returned to China. From 2019 to 2021, he conducted many important microwave photonics experiments with this fancy setup and published two journal articles (JLT 2021 and OE 2020). Good luck, Gaojian! You will always be welcomed here!

Four oral presentations at MWP 2021

26 Octobor 2021

We are excited that four papers in our group have been accepted for oral presentations at MWP 2021, Italy. They are:

Congratulations all!

Roland graduated

6 August 2021


On August 6th, Roland Adelerhof defended his MSc thesis titled Numerical Investigation of Surface Acoustic Waves in a Silica Ridge Waveguide for Optical Modulation under the supervision of Radius.

Roland presented in a  hybrid in-person and online defense. After the defense he received a present from the whole group.  Congrats Roland!

Inaugural May-On Tjia lecture at ISMOA 2021

4 August 2021

MOT lecture flyer

MOT lecture 5

MOT Lecture 9

David delivered the inaugural May-On Tjia lecture at the International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2021). This is a lecture to commemorate Prof. Tjia, who is a giant and influential figure for Indonesian physics community. In this 45 minute lecture, David recalled some past experiences with Prof. Tjia  and went on to discuss state-of-the-art of programmable photonic circuits. You can watch the recording of the lecture here.

Best paper award at ISMOA 2021

4 August 2021

ISMOA best paper award

Okky has won the best paper award at the International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2021). Congratulations Okky!

Highly-scored paper in ECOC 2021

16 July 2021


We are excited that Okky's paper has been accepted for an oral presentation at ECOC 2021, Bordeaux. The paper is also selected as highly-scored paper. Congratulations Okky!

New publication in Journal of Lightwave Technology

29 June 2021


We have a new publication in Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT) titled Integrated microwave photonic spectral shaping for linearization and spurious-free dynamic range enhancement. In this paper, Gaojian demonstrated two novel linearization techniques using serial and parallel arrays of silicon nitride ring resonators.

New publication in APL Photonics

12 March 2021

Fig. 1 Silicon Chip in APL

We have a new publication in APL Photonics titled Versatile silicon microwave photonic spectral shaper. This was a collaborative work between our group, The University of Sydney, and Ghent University. The article has been selected as Editor's pick, and can be found here.

There's a nice news item on this article appearing at the University of Twente website and PhysOrg.

New publications in Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express, and Optics Letters

20 February 2021


We have been ramping up in our research activities on integrated microwave photonics spectral shaping. We have three new papers appearing in Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT), Optics Express, and Optics Letters.

In JLT paper we present an invited tutorial on the new concept of Integrated Microwave Photonic Spectral Shaping. The article can be found here.

In the Optics Express paper, Gaojian demonstrated that line-by-line spectral shaping using ring resonators can be used to linearize the transfer function of a microwave photonic link. The paper is titled  Linearized Phase Modulated Microwave Photonic Link based on Integrated Ring Resonators and the article can be found here.

Finally, in the Optics Letters article, Okky demonstrated a Microwave Photonic Notch Filter with Integrated Modulation Transformation and Optical Carrier Suppression all integrated in  a silicon nitride circuit. The paper can be found here.

Thomas, Pieter, and Max graduated

20 February 2021


We recently have three very successful student graduations!

First, on January 28th Thomas Zeinstra defended his BSc thesis titled Programmable Microring Resonator with Double Injection in Silicon Nitride, under the supervision of Okky.

On February 1st, Pieter van Essen defended his BSc thesis titled Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Silicon Nitride using a Racetrack Resonator under the supervision of Yvan.

Finally, on February 12th Max Kiewit defended his MSc thesis titled Integrated Brillouin Lasing in Cascaded Double Ring Resonators under the supervision of Roel.

After the online defense all three students received presents from the whole group. Don't finish them in one go guys! :-)

End of year

30 December 2020

Screenshot 2020-12-23 at 16.18.18

Our group had our online end of year celebration! Let's hope for the best for 2021!

How we've grown

13 September 2020


Exactly two years ago to the day, our group had our very first operational experimental testbed (see News from Sept. 14th, 2018 below). At that time our group consisted of only two people (David, and Okky as an intern). Now we are 13-people strong  with 7 operational testbeds. O how we've grown!

Setup 1


Xin graduates

28 August 2020


After a grueling online defense, Xin Guo has successfully defended his Master thesis titled "Universal Microwave Photonic Modulation Transformer". After the defense, Okky (his daily supervisor) presented Xin with a gift from the group. Next stop for Xin: a PhD in the prestigious  Photonics Research Group at Ghent University. Good luck Xin!

New publication in OSA Continuum

06 August 2020


We managed to break the egg and have the very first journal paper from the Nonlinear Nanophotonics group! Okky's work on a programmable RF photonic bandpass filter in a silicon nitride circuit came out in OSA Continuum ! The article can be found here.

Invited Talk at Advanced Photonics Congress 2020 

15 July 2020


On July 15th David gave his invited talk at the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2020. He was discussing new approaches for Integrated Microwave Photonic Spectral shaping.  The video can played by clicking the picture above or by clicking here.

Bjorn graduates

09 July 2020



Bjorn Jongebloed has successfully defended his Bachelor thesis titled "Characterisation of Linearity and Noise in Fiber-based Brillouin Amplifiers". After the defense, Bjorn was  presented a gift of a selection of craft beers from the group. Congrats Bjorn!

New publication in advances in optics and photonics (AOP)

04 June 2020


We have a new paper coming out in OSA Advances in Optics and Photonics in collaboration with the Eggleton group at Sydney University and the Choudhary UFO-Chip group at IIT Delhi. The paper reviews recent advanced in Integrated Microwave Photonic Filters ! The article can be found here.

Guest talk Maurizio Burla (ETH Zurich)

20 May 2020

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Today in our weekly group meeting we have a guest talk from Dr. Maurizio Burla (ETH Zurich) speaking about photonic simulation and chip layouting. Thank you Maurizio for kindly sharing with us!

Science from home

25 March 2020

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As nearly everyone in the world, our ways of working are altered due to Covid-19. These days Zoom meetings replace face-to-face meetings. Nevertheless we are still happy and motivated!

OFC 2020 Tutorial video

13 March 2020


On March 12th David recorded a video for his invited tutorial on Integrated Microwave Photonics at the OFC 2020 conference. The video can played/downloaded by clicking the picture above or by clicking here.


12 March 2020

PPIE Ide 1 (2)

On March 7th David and Okky reached out to the Indonesian students in Enschede through the event "IDEx, Inspirations from Enschede" organized by the Indonesia student association in Enschede (PPI Enschede).

Happy holidays!

22 December 2019


Happy holidays from the LPNO group! It's been an exciting year with ups and downs, but more importantly,  a lot of growth! Let's come back stronger and fresher in 2020!

Photo credit: Okky Daulay.

New member: Radius suryadharma

16 December 2019


Radius joins us from the Rockstuhl group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (as evident from his shirt), as a postdoctoral researcher. He will be working on the exciting field of nonlinear phononics. Welcome Radius!

New member: Gaojian Liu

24 October 2019


This week Gaojian Liu joins us as a CSC visiting PhD student from China Academy of Space Technology in Xi’an. Gaojian will stay with us for 1.5 years and will be working on the topic of Programmable Integrated Photonics. Welcome Gaojian!

Postdeadline paper at ACP 2019

19 October 2019


Xin's work on the Silicon Photonic Modulation Transformer has bee accepted as a postdeadline presentation at the Asia Photonics and Communications Conference (ACP 2019)! The work is a collaboration between our group and The Eggleton Group at University of Sydney, The Photonics Research group at Ghent University, and Microsoft Quantum University of Sydney.

David gave a guest lecture For IIT delhi students

18 October 2019

IITD Lecture

On October 16th David gave a Skype guest lecture on Optical Beamforming to students at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. This was a part of the Microwave Photonics course given by Prof. Amol Choudhary.

Xin's internship in sydney

18 October 2019


Xin is wrapping up his 6-month internship at the University of Sydney. He gave his final group talk about his project on silicon-photonic modulation transformer on Friday October 18th.

New publication in Optics Express

17 October 2019


Okky and David co-authored a new paper with the Eggleton group at the University of Sydney about a high link gain Rf photonic bandpass filter in a silicon nitride circuit. The paper can be downloaded (open access) from this link.

New publication in Journal of optics 

20 May 2019


Check out the Roadmap on All-optical processing published in the Journal of Optics, includes a chapter on “Integrated Microwave Photonic Signal Processing” from our group! The paper can be downloaded (open access) from this link.

New vacancies  

3 May 2019

We have new openings for 1 PhD and 1 postdoc positions in the project "On-chip Photonic Control of Gigahertz Phonons". Details of the vacancies can be found here.

David has been awarded the NWO START-UP grant  

7 February 2019

Screenshot 2019-02-07 10.14.07

David has been awarded the START-UP grant of 800,000 Euros by the science division of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The START-UP programme is intended for newly appointed faculties working in the field of physics and chemistry.

The 4-year project will focus on new ways of controlling gigahertz phonons using integrated photonics. There will be several open PhD and postdoc positions in this project, so if you're interested please contact David.

The official announcement of the grant in at the NWO website can be found in this  link.

New review paper on Nature Photonics: Integrated Microwave Photonics  

22 January 2019

nature photonics integrated mwp

Our new paper "Integrated Microwave Photonics" just appeared in Nature Photonics (link). In this work we collaborated with the groups of Prof. Jianping Yao in the University of Ottawa and Prof. Jose Capmany in UPV Valencia.

The paper is also highlighted at the English front page of the University of Twente (link)

New publication on Arxiv: New Opportunities for Integrated Microwave Photonics  

10 October 2018

New opportunities for integrated microwave photonics.png

Our new paper "New Opportunities for Integrated Microwave Photonics" just appeared in Arxiv (link).

Measurement setup is live

14 September 2018

Brillouin nanophotonics setup

Today the first nonlinear nanophotonic characterization setup in the group is live!

OSA Webinar October 4th, 2018

05 September 2018

David will present an OSA Webinar featuring a discussion on "Nonlinear Integrated Microwave Photonics".

The webinar is scheduled for Thursday October 4th from 10:30 am (EDT)/16:30 (CEST).

In this webinar David will discuss how on-chip nonlinear optical processes can be harnessed for enhanced microwave photonic signal processing. The discussion will introduce basic concepts and requirements of microwave photonic systems and define the range of physical problems that can be addressed with nonlinear optics.

To register (free) and get more information follow this link

New MSc and BSc assignments

26 August 2018

We have a number of exciting MSc and BSc assignments in the areas of integrated microwave photonics, nonlinear photonics, and on-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering. For more details see here.

Available PhD position

6 August 2018

We are looking for an excellent candidate for a PhD project on the topic of nonlinear integrated phononic-photonic signal processing in low-loss silicon nitride. For more details see here.


28 June 2018

David has been officially promoted to the role of associate professor with tenure.

30 May 2017

David has been awarded the prestigious NWO Vidi grant  


David has been awarded the Vidi grant of 800,000 Euros by the applied and engineering science division of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

The 5-year project will focus on developing novel signal processing circuits based on coherent light and sound interactions. The official announcement of the grant in at the NWO website can be found in this  link.