UTFacultiesTNWNEMEventsNEM Cluster colloquia - Symmetry and Topology in Advanced Electronic Materials (Prof.dr. Thom Palstra; PIN)

NEM Cluster colloquia - Symmetry and Topology in Advanced Electronic Materials (Prof.dr. Thom Palstra; PIN)


Symmetry and Topology in Advanced Electronic Materials


Prof.dr. Thom Palstra (PIN), Department of Nano Electronic Materials, University of Twente, The Netherlands


Electronic properties of materials are encoded in the symmetry of their atomic or molecular lattice. Examples are ferroelectrics that break space inversion symmetry or ferromagnets that break time reversal symmetry. In recent years it became evident that novel properties can emerge at the nanoscale. In addition to symmetry, also topology, such as vorticity, determines the properties of these materials on the nanoscale. This talk will highlight two demonstrations of such textured materials: 1. polar magnets exhibiting magnetic skyrmions as nanoscale textures and 2. superconductors at high-magnetic field showing finite momentum pairing resulting in the spatial modulation of the superconducting order parameter. Topology thus offers new electronic device opportunities.


Student speaker

Kevin Vonk (PhD student; PIN)


High resolution spatially resolved exciton resonances in 2D materials