Three PhD students of the University of Twente participated in the 5th edition of the International School of Oxide Electronics (ISOE 2019) in Cargèse, Corsica, from June 24th till July 5th, 2019.
The picture above shows Luca Bouwmeester, Kit de Hond, and Yorick Birkhölzer, who work in the groups of prof. Alexander Brinkman, prof. Gertjan Koster, and prof. Guus Rijnders, respectively. The trio from Twente presented posters of their recent work under the bright Mediterranean sun to a dedicated, international audience.
Prof. Mark Huijben (not in the picture) participated in ISOE2019 as an invited speaker and gave two lectures on advanced pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and lithium ion batteries, showing highlights from over two decades of PLD expertise in Twente. Examples of topics covered by the school are multiferroics, magnetic oxides, oxide interfaces, domain walls, spintronics, as well as key advanced characterization and computational techniques.
More information about the highly recommended summer school can be found on the website:
The next edition of ISOE will tentatively take place in 2021.