UTFacultiesTNWDept NEMResearchEMSNews and EventsFriday the 19th of April PhD defense Thomas Nes 'Towards a cloverleaf type accelerator magnet'

Friday the 19th of April PhD defense Thomas Nes 'Towards a cloverleaf type accelerator magnet'

The PhD defense of Thomas Nes “Towards a cloverleaf type accelerator magnet” will take place on 19 April 2024. The thesis delves into the development of a cloverleaf geometry based accelerator magnet made with high-temperature superconductor ReBCO tape. To this, various aspects are researched.

(Co)Promotors are prof.dr.ir. Herman ten Kate and dr.ir. Anna Kario from University of Twente and dr. Gijs de Rijk from CERN.
