Master student
Building: Technohal, room 3185
Phone: +3164894051/1666
My name is Suzanne van Norden and I was born in Enschede in 1997. I started my bachelor technical medicine in 2015, whereafter I started my masters technical medicine and biomedical engineering in 2018. Currently, I am working on my master thesis to finish my study. After exploring multiple hospital departments, I found out that I have a particular interest in neurology. I am excited to work on my master thesis which will hopefully be a small step towards the better treatment of epilepsy.
Research interests
During my master thesis I will be working on the PREDYCT study. This study aims to predict the success of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in epilepsy patients using a subcutaneous EEG sensor. A unique feature of this sensor is its ability to measure data 24/7 for months, enabling ultralong EEG measurements.