PhD Candidate Eva Voogd
Building: Technohal, room TL3385
Phone: +31 53 489 1116
I found my passion for biology in my first year of the bachelor Medical Biology at the Radboud University and immediately loved neuroscience in the second year of my bachelor. After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I started the research master Cognitive Neuroscience at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen. However, they use mostly imaging with all types of amazing machines to do research. So, I traded the Radboud University for the University of Twente, because here they combine biology and neuroscience. I am and always will be a biologist.
There are several topics I am interested in that are studied in the wide field of neurobiology. They go from neurodevelopmental disorders to neurodegenerative diseases. I am curious to why some people function or age normally and why others don’t, what mechanisms are the basis for these pathologies. And more importantly, how we could help these people? To give them a better quality of life. Luckily, I have plenty of time to figure out which type of research I like the most. Currently I am working with a human in vitro model for ischemic stroke. And we’ll see what the future holds.