(External) PhD Candidate Astrid Glimmerveen
Rijnstate Hospital
Phone: +31 (0) 53 489 1116
Email: a.b.glimmerveen@utwente.nl
In 2006 I received my degree in psychology (major neuropsychology and minor cultural psychology). Shortly after I moved to Denmark and later to England for a life adventure. Back in the Netherlands, in 2009, I started a new career as a lab technician in Rijnstate Hospital. In 2015, I was approached to support in the collection of data for the CNPH research group. Three years later I got the opportunity to conduct my own research and wrote my first article which was published in 2019. A second article followed in publication in 2020. Currently, I am working as a lab technician and part time PhD candidate in Rijnstate Hospital and the University of Twente.
Research interests
The focuses of my first two articles were to predict outcome of comatose patients after cardiac arrest using clinical neurophysiological measurements such as electro encephalography (EEG) and somato sensory evoked potential (SSEP). My current aim is to identify remaining brain damage and predict subsequent cognitive and functional outcome of patients after cardiac arrest based on early multidisciplinary screening, EEG and MRI.
Glimmerveen, A. B., Keijzer, H. M., Ruijter, B. J., Tjepkema-Cloostermans, M. C., van Putten, M. J., & Hofmeijer, J. (2020). Relevance of somatosensory evoked potential amplitude after cardiac arrest. Frontiers in Neurology, 11.
Glimmerveen, A. B., Ruijter, B. J., Keijzer, H. M., Tjepkema-Cloostermans, M. C., van Putten, M. J., & Hofmeijer, J. (2019). Association between somatosensory evoked potentials and EEG in comatose patients after cardiac arrest. Clinical neurophysiology, 130(11), 2026-2031.
Glimmerveen, A., Keijzer, H. M., Ruijter, B. J., Tjepkema-Cloostermans, M. C., van Putten, M. J. A. M., & Hofmeijer, J. (2019). P38-T Relevance of SSEP amplitude after cardiac arrest. Clinical Neurophysiology, 130(7), e49-e50. – Conference poster