Review on acousto-optics published

In April 2012, the review entitled:

State-of-the art of acousto-optic sensing and imaging of turbid media”

Written by Steffen Resink and Wiendelt Steenbergen from BMPI and Claude Boccara from the Langevin Institute (ESPCI ParisTech), was published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics (J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 040901 (Apr 06, 2012)).

Acousto-optic (AO) is an emerging hybrid technique for measuring optical contrast in turbid media using coherent light and ultrasound (US). The review concentrates on the progress in the field of AO since 2003.

For more information about the review, contact Steffen Resink (s.g.resink@utwente). For more information about the current work on acousto-optic imaging in BMPI, contact Prof. Wiendelt Steenbergen (