
Peer-reviewed publications of AQO members are listed here. 


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Experimental Simulation of Loop Quantum Gravity on a Photonic Chip (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition 2024. Correa Anguita, M., van der Meer, R., Zichang, H., Qu, D., Hooijschuur, P., Liu, H., Han, M., Renema, J. J. & Cohen, L.Imperfections in heralding three-photon GHZ states for quantum computing applications (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition 2024. Somhorst, F. & Renema, J. J.Network of phase frustrated photon Bose-Einstein condensates (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Condensates of Light 2024. Puplauskis, M., Sharoglazova, V., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.Inverse problems for microcavity tilt readout (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Condensates of Light 2024. Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C., Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M. & Klaers, J.Photon distillation schemes with reduced resource costs based on multiphoton Fourier interference (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Somhorst, F., Sauër, B. K., van den Hoven, S. & Renema, J. J. underlying the manuscript: "Photon distillation schemes with reduced resource costs based on multiphoton Fourier interference" (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Somhorst, F., Sauër, B. K., van den Hoven, S. & Renema, J. and Emission Spectral Data of Room-temperature Rhodamine 6G Dye Solution and some typical Dye Microcavity parameters (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Schmitt, J., Weitz, M. & Klaers, J. problems for microcavity tilt readout (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2024. Mattschas, C. U., Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.Unveiling Hidden Dynamics: Speed Measurements of Classically Forbidden Motion (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Condensates of Light 2024. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.Unveiling Hidden Dynamics: Speed Measurements of Tunneling Particles (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2024. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.


Light quantum technology (2023)[Book/Report › Inaugural speech]. University of Twente. Pinkse, P. W. H.Experimental simulation of loop quantum gravity on a photonic chip (2023)NPJ Quantum Information, 9. Article 32. van der Meer, R., Huang, Z., Correa Anguita, M., Qu, D., Hooijschuur, P., Liu, H., Han, M., Renema, J. J. & Cohen, L. simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor (2023)Nature communications, 14. Article 3895. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J., van den Vlekkert, H., Timmerhuis, J., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J. Quantum Optics - Quantum Information Processing (AQO-QIP) (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] PIC summit Europe 2023. Somhorst, F., Correa Anguita, M., Marzban, S., Timmerhuis, J., Van den Hoven, S., Leentjes, B., Sauer, K., Maxwell, I., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Physical Unclonable Keys for Quantum-Secure Authentication and Communication (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] PIC summit Europe 2023. de Ruiter, D., Stellinga, D., Start, K., van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M., Marzban, S., de Man, S., Saini, S. K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Physical Unclonable Keys for Quantum-Secure Authentication and Communication (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Kick-off of Photon Delta Growth Fund 2023. de Ruiter, D., Stellinga, D., Start, K., van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M., Marzban, S., de Man, S., Saini, S. K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Experimental Simulation of Loop Quantum Gravity on a Photonic Chip (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 46th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2023. Correa Anguita, M., van der Meer, R., Renema, J. J., Zichang, H., Qu, D., Hooijschuur, P., Liu, H., Han, M. & Cohen, L.Single photons in an interferometer: Forbidden outcomes (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 46th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2023. van den Hoven, S.Gaussian Boson Sampling with Pseudo-Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors and Quantum Computational Advantage (2023)Physical review letters, 131(15). Article 150601. Deng, Y. H., Gu, Y. C., Liu, H. L., Gong, S. Q., Su, H., Zhang, Z. J., Tang, H. Y., Jia, M. H., Xu, J. M., Chen, M. C., Qin, J., Peng, L. C., Yan, J., Hu, Y., Huang, J., Li, H., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Jiang, X., … Pan, J. W. Symmetry in three-dimensional Multiple-Scattering Media (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Saini, S. K., Marakis, E., Start, K., Osnabrugge, G., Vellekoop, I. M. & Pinkse, P. W. H. Velocity Measurement in Classically Forbidden Regions (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 46th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2023. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.Stabilizing optical microcavities in 3D (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 46th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2023. Mattschas, C. U., Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.Time-domain Physical Unclonable Functions (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 46th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2023. de Ruiter, D. J., Stellinga, D. P., van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M. C. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Adaptive Quantum Optics - Quantum Information Processing (AQO-QIP) (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2023. Correa Anguita, M., Renema, J. J., Timmerhuis, J., Pinkse, P. W. H., Somhorst, F., Marzban, S., Van den Hoven, S., Leentjens, B., Sauer, K. & Maxwell, I.Studying open quantum systems in optical microcavities (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2023. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C. & Klaers, J.20-Mode Universal Quantum Photonic Processor (2023)Quantum (Vienna), 7. Article 1071. Taballione, C., Anguita, M. C., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Kannan, N., Vleeshouwers, W. L., Smith, D., Epping, J. P., van der Meer, R., Pinkse, P. W. H., van den Vlekkert, H. & Renema, J. J. Surface Nanostructuring via Laser Direct Writing—Characterization and Physical Origins (2023)Advanced Optical Materials, 11(12). Article 2202820. Vretenar, M., Puplauskis, M. & Klaers, J. motion associated with wave-function density gradients (2023)Physical review A : atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information, 107(5). Article 052201. Klaers, J., Sharoglazova, V. & Toebes, C. demonstration of an efficient, semi-device-independent photonic indistinguishability witness (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Integrated Quantum Photonics (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023. Van den Hoven, S., Correa Anguita, M., van der Meer, R., Timmerhuis, J., Somhorst, F., de Ruiter, D., Marzban, S., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Symmetry and randomness in scattering media (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NWO Physics 2023. Saini, S. K., Start, K., Marakis, E. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Data underlying the publication: Experimental Simulation of Loop Quantum Gravity on a Photonic Chip (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Correa Anguita, M., van der Meer, R., Zichang, H., Qu, D., Hooijschuur, P., Liu, H., Han, M., Renema, J. & Cohen, L. underlying the publication: Mirror Surface Nanostructuring via Laser Direct Writing - Characterization and Physical Origins (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Vretenar, M., Puplauskis, M. & Klärs, J. transport in designed symmetric multiple-scattering media (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] DPG-Frühjahrstagung Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)(DPG Spring Meeting) 2023. Saini, S. K., Start, K., Marakis, E. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Data underlying the manuscript: "Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor" (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Timmerhuis, J., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walsmley, I., Pinkse, P., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J. of coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023. Puplauskis, M., Mattschas, C. U., Toebes, C., Sharoglazova, V. & Klaers, J.Photon motion in classically forbidden regions (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023 (Unpublished). Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C., Mattschas, C. U., Vretenar, M. & Klaers, J.


Clones of the Unclonable: Nanoduplicating Optical PUFs and Applications (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Marakis, E., Rührmair, U., Lachner, M., Uppu, R., Skoric, B. & Pinkse, P. W. H. photo-thermodynamics on a programmable quantum photonic processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] SPIE Photonex 2022. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Timmerhuis, J., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J.Dispersive and dissipative coupling of photon Bose-Einstein condensates (2022)Communications Physics, 5(1). Article 59. Toebes, C., Vretenar, M. & Klaers, J. Bose-Einstein condensation in arbitrary potential landscapes (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Vretenar, M. Surface Nanostructuring via Laser Direct Writing -- Characterization and Physical Origins (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Vretenar, M. & Klaers, J. photo-thermodynamics on a programmable quantum photonic processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] PIC Summit Europe 2022. Timmerhuis, J., Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J., van den Vlekkert, H., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J.Design and fabrication of deterministic symmetric scattering media (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 3rd Face2Phase Conference 2022. Saini, S. K., Start, K., Marakis, E. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Quantum Photo-Thermodynamics on a Programmable Photonic Quantum Processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics, ICIQP 2022. Correa Anguita, M.Negatively coupled photon Bose-Einstein condensates (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C., Vretenar, M., Mattschas, C. U., Sharoglazova, V. & Klärs, J. A.Observing open scattering channels in an on-chip physical simulation (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics, ICIQP 2022. van der Meer, R., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Snijders, H., Epping, J. P., Taballione, C., van den Vlekkert, H., Renema, J. J. & Pinkse, P. W. H.20-mode universal photonic quantum processor on silicon nitride (Si3N4) (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Correa Anguita, M., Taballione, C., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Snijders, H., Kannan, N., Smith, D., Epping, J., van der Meer, R., Pinkse, P. W. H., Renema, J. J. & Kassenberg, B.Coherent networks of photon Bose-Einstein condensates (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Mattschas, C. U., Vretenar, M. & Klärs, J. A.Deterministic mirror-symmetric multiple-scattering media (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Saini, S. K., Start, K., Marakis, E. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Time-Domain Physical Unclonable Keys (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M. C., van der Vies, A., Stellinga, D. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Tunable potential landscapes in optical microcavities using thermal expansion (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Toebes, C., Klärs, J. A. & Vretenar, M.Programming multi-mode quantum circuits in complex scattering media (2022)In 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings. Article FF3J.2 (2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings). IEEE. Goel, S., Leedumrongwatthanakun, S., Valencia, N. H., McCutcheon, W., Pinkse, P. W. H., Conti, C. & Malik, M.Fabrication of dielectric mirror-symmetric scattering media using direct laser writing (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp 2022. Saini, S. K., Start, K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Design and Fabrication of Controlled Photonic Multiple Scattering Media (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022. Saini, S. K., Marakis, E. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Demonstration of a Photonic Indistinguishability Witness on a Programmable Quantum Photonic Processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Venderbosch, P., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H. J., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H., Walk, N., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Pure-state certification by undoing Hamiltonian evolution leading to local thermalization (2022)In Optica Advanced Photonic Congress 2022. Article JM2D.3. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Correa Anguita, M., Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J. of a photonic indistinguishability witness on a programmable quantum photonic processor (2022)In Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022). Article JTu2A.25. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Venderbosch, P., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H. J., Taballione, C., Epping, J., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Walk, N., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J. resonator networks as physical unclonable keys (2022)In Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022 Technical Digest Series. Article IM3B.2. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M. C., Stellinga, D. & Pinkse, P. W. H. holder for an optical key and system comprising the key holder for authenticating an optical key by verifying a match of challenge-response pairs (2022)[Patent › Patent]. Pinkse, P. W. H. & Velsink, M. C.Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor (2022)In Quantum 2.0, QUANTUM 2022. Article QTu3A.3 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Anguita, M. C., Somhorst, F. H. B., van der Meer, R., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J. of light – from fundamental physics to optical computers (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2022. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C., Mattschas, C. U., Vretenar, M., Kassenberg, B., Bissesar, S. & Klärs, J. A.Deterministic Scattering Media: From Science to Applications (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2022. Saini, S. K., Stellinga, D., Marakis, E., van der Hoeven, L., Start, K., van der Vies, A. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Integrated Quantum Photonics (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2022. Somhorst, F., Correa Anguita, M., Timmerhuis, J., van den Hoven, S., Brinkman, B., de Ruiter, D., van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.An efficient photonic indistinguishability witness: Experimental demonstration on a photonic processor (2022)In Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition Technical Digest Series . Article 2022.QW4B.3. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Somhorst, F., Venderbosch, P., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Walk, N., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J. of high-dimensional quantum optical circuits in a complex medium (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Research Square Publications. Goel, S., Leedumrongwatthanakun, S., Valencia, N., McCutcheon, W., Conti, C., Pinkse, P. & Malik, M. quality in raster-scan imaging via a multimode fiber (2022)Applied Optics, 61(15), 4363-4369. Lyu, Z., Osnabrugge, G., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Amitonova, L. V. photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Quantum Information Spring School 2022. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J.Quantum Photo-Thermodynamics on a Programmable Photonic Quantum Processor (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 764. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Photonic Quantum Technologies – A Revolution in Communication, Sensing, and Metrology 2022. Correa Anguita, M., Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Schadow, R., Snijders, H., Kassenberg, B., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J.Experimental demonstration of an efficient, semi-device-independent photonic indistinguishability witness (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 764. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Photonic Quantum Technologies – A Revolution in Communication, Sensing, and Metrology 2022. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Hooijschuur, P., Venderbosch, P., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H. J., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H., Walk, N., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.20-Mode Universal Quantum Photonic Processor (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Taballione, C., Correa Anguita, M., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Kannan, N., Smith, D., Epping, J. P., van der Meer, R., Pinkse, P. W. H., van den Vlekkert, H. & Renema, J. J. information processing in large-scale photonic networks (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van der Meer, R. transport in mirror-symmetric disordered scattering media (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics@Veldhoven 2022. Saini, S. K., Start, K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Dispersive and dissipative coupling of photon Bose-Einstein condensates (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics@Veldhoven 2022. Toebes, C., Vretenar, M. & Klärs, J. A.A Universal 20-mode Quantum Photonic Processor: (Student paper) (2022)In ECIO 2022: 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics: 4th May - 6th May, Milan, Italy (pp. 375-377). Politecnico di Milano. Taballione, C., Correa Anguita, M., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Kannan, N., Smith, D., Epping, J. P., van der Meer, R., Pinkse, P. W. H., van den Vlekkert, H. & Renema, J. J.A Universal 20-mode Quantum Photonic Processor in Silicon Nitride (2022)In Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition. Article QW4B.2. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Smith, D., Taballione, C., Anguita, M. C., de Goede, M., Venderbosch, P., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Epping, J. P., van der Meer, R., Pinkse, P. W. H., van den Vlekkert, H. & Renema, J. J. the speed of photons in classically forbidden regions with condensation of light (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 45th Annual Meeting NNV AMO 2022. Sharoglazova, V., Puplauskis, M., Toebes, C., Mattschas, C. U., Vretenar, M. & Klärs, J. A.Observation of Open Scattering Channels (2022)In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics 2022 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Venderbosch, P., van der Meer, R., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Epping, J., Taballione, C., van den Vlekkert, H., Renema, J. J. & Pinkse, P. W. H. Gaussian Boson Sampling Using Stimulated Squeezed Light (2022)In Optica Publisching Group 2022. Zhong, H.-S., Deng, Y.-H., Qin, J., Wang, H., Chen, M.-C., Peng, L.-C., Luo, Y.-H., Wu, D., Gong, S.-Q., Su, H., Hu, Y., Hu, P., Yang, X.-Y., Zhang, W.-J., Li, H., Li, Y., Jiang, X., Gan, L., Yang, G., … Pan, J.-W.Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable photonic quantum processor (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Somhorst, F., van der Meer, R., Correa Anguita, M., Schadow, R., Snijders, H. J., de Goede, M., Kassenberg, B., Venderbosch, P., Taballione, C., Epping, J. P., van den Vlekkert, H. H., Timmerhuis, J., Bulmer, J. F. F., Lugani, J., Walmsley, I. A., Pinkse, P. W. H., Eisert, J., Walk, N. & Renema, J. J.


Modified Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical quantum gas (2021)Nature communications, 12. Article 5749. Vretenar, M., Toebes, C. & Klärs, J. A. simulations with multiphoton Fock states (2021)NPJ Quantum Information, 7. Article 91. Sturges, T. J., McDermott, T., Buraczewski, A., Clements, W. R., Renema, J. J., Nam, S. W., Gerrits, T., Lita, A., Kolthammer, W. S., Eckstein, A., Walmsley, I. A. & Stobinska, M. demonstration of an efficient, semi-device-independent photonic indistinguishability witness (2021)[Working paper › Preprint]. Meer, R. v. d., Hooijschuur, P., Somhorst, F., Venderbosch, P., Goede, M. d., Kassenberg, B., Snijders, H., Taballione, C., Epping, J., Vlekkert, H. v. d., Walk, N., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Phase-Programmable Gaussian Boson Sampling Using Stimulated Squeezed Light (2021)Physical review letters, 127(18). Article 180502. 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