UTTh!nk with PrideNewsHappy International Transgender Day of Visibility

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility

31 March is the annual International Transgender Day of Visibility, a day worth putting in the spotlight! Every year on the 31st of March, the visibility of transgender people, and the discrimination they still have to face to this very day, is highlighted. Rachel Crandall, a USA-based transgender activist, founded this day in 2009 to raise awareness for the incredible burden of discrimination the community faces in every setting imaginable.

As Th!nk with Pride, we stand with our trans colleagues and students, with the aim to not just accept trans people at the UT, but celebrate them!

What can you do

Of course, be mindful and open to someone’s story and treat them with respect. A concrete step to take is to ask someone what pronouns they want to use, this is how you can refer to someone in- and outside of a conversation. An example, Lisa identifies as female and uses she/her pronouns, so:

“Lisa is in a meeting, you can call her later, she is busy now.”

Pronouns often used by non-binary people are they/them, so:

“Puck is in a meeting, you can call them later, they are busy now”

If you want to learn more, we would like to share a blogpost by GLSEN, containing resources for educators, students and advocates alike. Very insightful!

Sharing experiences; a trans/non-binary meeting group

The UT is a diverse community of people from all different walks of life, including trans and non-binary members. As Th!nk with Pride, we are exploring the possibility of setting up a platform or meeting where trans/non-binary UT members can exchange their experiences and stories in a safe space. Of course, the best way to do this is with you. If you are interested in this idea and/or want to help us set it up, please send us an email (pride@utwente.nl)