WELCOME TO THE negotiation challenge 2024 @ UTwente!
Between the 4th and 6th of April 2024, the international negotiation competition 'The Negotation Challenge' (TNC) for students will be held at the University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands). Take a look at the finalists competing here!
What is TNC for students?
The Negotiation Challenge for Students is one of the oldest and most prestigious international negotiation competitions. TNC has hosted world’s best student negotiators from leading universities, allowing them to share their passion and negotiate with each other based on realistic simulations.
The Challenge is open to all students independently of their major. Most participating teams are enrolled in graduate programs at business and law schools but we also kindly invite students of other majors to register for the competition.
We explicitly encourage all passionate student negotiators to form teams of three and register for The Negotiation Challenge. All registered teams will participate in the online qualification rounds.
Due to its global reach, open, impartial and highly competitive character combined with rigorous scientific approach, The Negotiation Challenge for Students is an unofficial World Championship in Negotiation.
Structure of the competition
The competition will begin with three online qualifying rounds that will include all teams entered in the competition. The best 10 teams from the qualifying rounds will advance to the final event.
During the competition, participants have nearly a week from the time they receive instructions to:
- Contact each other
- Agree on the exact timing of their negotiations
- Agree on the mode of communication
- Negotiate a wise agreement
- Report the final outcome
After qualifying, the top teams will have a few weeks to prepare for the finals. The final rounds of The Negotiation Challenge for Students are held at esteemed partner universities around the globes. During the final event, teams will negotiate face-to-face in two or three additional rounds.
Reasons to participate
The Negotiation Challenge for Students is the first international negotiation competition in Europe and one of the few international negotiation competitions in the world. The main idea of the Challenge is to bring together the world’s best student negotiators and allow them to compare their negotiation skills, thus preparing them for the complex negotiations they will face after graduation. During the event, students from the world’s leading universities compete in realistic negotiation situations.
Participating in TNC offers a great opportunity to experience different ways of negotiating and to meet and network with students from various countries with different backgrounds and cultures, all sharing a passion for negotiation.
Challenged by complex negotiation problems, matched with other well-trained and experienced negotiators, and equipped with feedback and coaching from the judges, the participants receive an excellent opportunity to develop their negotiation skills.
TNC founders and judges are not only thought leaders and recognised experts in their field but also seasoned negotiators themselves. Their feedback has already helped hundreds of participants diagnose and optimize their negotiating styles.