Test the Platform for Educational Applications

The UT is currently contributing to the development of a national online catalogue for educational applications.

To evaluate the first version of the platform, we’re looking for UT employees who are willing to try out the platform (+/- 15 minutes) and give their feedback by filling in a questionnaire (+/- 10 minutes). Are you involved in teaching and/or educational development at UT (e.g. teacher, e-learning specialist, educational consultant)? Would you like to contribute to this pilot project? Let us know by signing up below before July.

We will contact you as soon as possible with information on how to access and try out the pilot platform. If you have any questions or would like to know more about this pilot project, read the information on this page, contact the TELT team, or directly contact Raisa van der Vegt (member of the TELT team).

Sign up