Personalized eHealth Technology Symposium

A full day of ehealth inspiration & innovation 

the symposium

On January 29th, 2020, the strategic programme: Personalized eHealth Technology of the TechMed Centre (University of Twente), organises an inspiring and energizing day full of interactive sessions, demonstrators and presentations. On this day you can become acquainted with eHealth in all her shapes and sizes. From diabetes to dementia, from data science to citizen science and from oncology to rehabilitation. We will show you how multidisciplinary research shapes innovative technology, as exemplified by the UT, Saxion, regional hospitals and insurance companies. Together, they will showcase the latest prototype of the wearable breathing trainer for children with respiratory problems. We will demonstrate the importance of Happy Eating and how technology can assist in making this easier and more enjoyable.


10.00 - 10.30

Welcome & coffee

10.30 - 10.45

Introduction of the Strategic programme Hermie Hermens - Full Professor University of Twente

10.45 - 11.30

SESSION 1: twente activities in ehealth

Developing the Twente ecosystem on eHealth
with contributions from:

  • Twentse Zorg Academie: Rob Nijhuis
  • Roessingh Revalidatie centrum: Ina Flierman
  • BMS ambulant lab: Jan-Willem van ‘t Klooster
  • eHealth House: Mathilde Hermans 

11.30 - 12.15

SESSION 2: Happy eating 

Malnutrition and loneliness in elderly 
Dr. Femke Nijboer - Assistant Professor University of Twente 

Two aspects of the eating body 
Bas de Boer - PhD at the University of Twente

Sensory Interactive Table (SIT)
Juliet Haarman en Roelof de Vries - Postdocs at the University of Twente

Happy Eating! A healthy ever after for the young ones
Janet van den Boer - Postdoc at the University of Twente

12.15 - 13.15

Lunch & eHealth experience

Demo market
Including VR bicyle, VR eHealth, Coucil of Coaches.

BMS ambulant lab experience
This bus is parked outside, in front of the TechMed Centre main entrance. 

Guided eHealth house tour
A 10 minutes tour which takes you to all the labs of the eHealth house. 
Tour at:12.20 - 12.30  |  13.25 - 12.45  |  12.50 - 13.00  |  13.05 - 13.15
(15 persons per tour max)

13.15 - 13.45

Research Pitches 

13.45 - 14.45

session 3: Wearable breathing trainer (PIHC collaboration)

Wearable breathing trainer Geke Ludden - Associate Professor at the University of Twente

Dysfunctional breathing in children 
Pascal Keijzer, MSc

Motivation in design & Co-design
Lara Siering MSc - Research Assistant at the University of Twente

Vest design & development
 Hellen van Rees - Researcher at Research Group Smart Functional Materials at Saxion

14.45 - 15.00

Coffee break

15.00 - 15.45

Session 4: Rehabilitation & eHealth

From virtual rehabilitation to ehealth in daily rehabilitation practice Monique Tabak, Associate professor at the University of Twente

How using eHealth technology can benefit care of children with asthma in daily practice
Dr. Boony Thio; paediatrician at Medisch Spectrum Twente and OCON, and dean of medical school Twente

eHealth monitoring for improving the peri-operative trajectory for surgery
Marjolein Haveman, Msc; technical physician and PhD at surgery department of UMCG hospital

15.45 - 16.00

eHealth in motion

16.00 - 16.30

End & drinks


practical information

where & when

  • 29 January 2020
  • 10.00 - 16.30 (introduction at 10.30)
  • Language: English
  • The TechMed Centre (Technohal building 18), Auditorium TL 1133
    On the campus of The University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands; Route


This symposium is organized by TechMed Centre's strategic programme Personalized eHealth Technology

Personalized eHealth Technology

It becomes more and more evident that the current approach to healthcare is not sustainable, especially when considering the increasing volume and demands of chronic diseases, requiring a rethinking of strategies towards innovative solutions. The use of Information and Communication Technologies in healthcare – eHealth – is a promising strategy to improve healthcare worldwide. Biological (e.g. genetic pre-disposition), behavioral (e.g. lifestyles) and environmental (e.g. physical and social context) factors influence the surge and progression of chronic diseases. eHealth also allows to target this challenge of diversity, for example, by providing personalized solutions adaptable to each user, and also to changes over time. Every individual, dealing with any specific condition presents a distinctly unique case, highlighting the need for Personalized eHealth Technology.

More information about the Personalized eHealth Technology programme.