Dr. Jasper Lozeman

Intra-vaginal Biosensor for Real-Time and Personalized Diagnostics

We develop intra-vaginal sensors for diagnostic purposes such as measuring hormones. The vagina is an ideal environment for measuring biosignals from circulation due to its dynamic blood flow. Intra-vaginal measurements by using tailor-made sensors can help us to follow the fertility window of patients, as well as possible hormonal imbalances that can be related to certain diseases. The sensors will have analyte-selective coatings that are conjugated to special probes. These probes will help us to detect hormones sensitively. Developing personalized and non-invasive biosensors is only a small piece of the big puzzle. Our research is very interdisciplinary, and we collaborate with an industrial partner, Ligalli BV. Our sensor will eventually be incorporated in Ligalli’s intra-vaginal ring, the MedRing. We hope to pave the way for convenient, real-time, and personalized diagnostics for women.

Our vision is to develop innovative intra-vaginal sensors that enable convenient, real-time, and personalized diagnostics for women. This has the potential to improve women's overall well-being by providing timely information on fertility window as well as potential (hormonal) diseases

Dr. Jasper Lozeman


dr.ing. J.J.A. Lozeman (Jasper)