Key Enabling Technologies for Personalized Medicine
Personalized Medicine focuses on tailoring health and care approaches to individual patients based on their unique characteristics. It encompasses not only pharmaceutical treatments but also technological advancements, promising a transformative shift in healthcare delivery. As Personalized Medicine evolves, it offers numerous new opportunities that need to be explored to fully harness the potential of emerging technologies.
Different thematic pillars form the core of the program. The different pillars not only cover specific disease domains but also cover the different phases of the health and care process. The current pillars are:
Stimulate Health Technology Implementation
At the University of Twente, we conduct outstanding research in health tech innovation. However, translating these innovations into societal and healthcare market impact, and achieving our goal of improving healthcare, remains challenging. To maximize the impact of health technology on society, we need a comprehensive approach that considers more than just technical aspects in developing (smart) products and services. This includes social, economic, ethical, governance, behavioural, and cultural perspectives that influence the adoption and acceptance of new technologies. Early engagement of stakeholders and end-users helps prevent research "mismatches," ensures commitment and understanding, and attracts potential investors.