UTTechMedTechMed CentreEventsOverview eventsLooking back on the development of Electrocardiography.

Looking back on the development of Electrocardiography.

Step back in time and explore the captivating story of Dr. Willem Einthoven, a pioneer in the medical world who changed history with his innovative ECG setup. In 1901, Dr. Einthoven designed a revolutionary system featuring a string galvanometer, ushering in a new era in medicine. Exactly 100 years ago, in 1924, Willem Einthoven's exceptional contribution was globally recognized with the awarding of the Nobel Prize. His groundbreaking work in medical technology marked a turning point in science and laid the foundation for the evolution of diagnostic instruments.

On this day, we not only celebrate the groundbreaking work of Dr. Einthoven but also the 45th anniversary of the Historical Study Collection of EEMCS. As a tribute to this milestone, the Study Collection committee is organizing a special event where a carefully curated showcase will be unveiled. This showcase houses the historical Boulitte ECG recorder, a unique piece from around 1930 that takes visitors on a journey through time.

Join us on this memorable day where history and innovation converge. Experience the unveiling of the showcase, admire the technological legacy of Willem Einthoven, and be inspired by the evolution of medical instruments. This occasion provides a unique opportunity to discover the connection between the past, present, and future of the medical world. Witness progress, celebrate history, and be guided by inspiration for future breakthroughs in medical research and technology.

Where & When

  • Date: 29 February 2024
  • Time: 15.00 - 17.30
  • Location: TechMed Centre (Auditorium, TL 1133), on the campus of the University of Twente
  • Language: Dutch


15.00 - 15.15

Reception in the Auditorium with coffee/tea

15.15 - 15.25

Ir. Remke Burie - Managing Director, TechMed Centre

15.25 - 15.50

The metrological ingenuity of Einthoven
Prof. Dr. Ir. Paul Regtien

15.50 - 16.05


16.05 - 16.30

ECG innovations over the years
Prof. Dr. Ir. Piet Bergveld

16.30 - 16.45

Unveiling of the Boulitte electrocardiograph in the Atrium with a brief speech
Dr. Heleen Miedema, trailblazer of Technical Medicine

16.45 - 17.30

Informal drinks


We ask you to register for the symposium (between 15.00 - 16.30). That way we can make a good estimation of the catering to be ordered and the number of available places (we assume about 60 persons). If you only want to follow the unveiling of the Boulitte, you can come to the Atrium in the TechMed Centre at 16.30, without registration.

Registration for the symposium