UTTechMedTechMed CentreEventsUpcoming eventsFood & Cognition | The Online SME Cafe: Food design to prevent obesity | Session 6 (of 8)

Food & Cognition | The Online SME Cafe: Food design to prevent obesity | Session 6 (of 8)

SESSION 6 (OF 8): Food design to prevent obesity 

Food designer Katja Gruijters and professor of Sensory and Eating Behavior Kees de Graaf will discuss their common project and passion, the Feed Your Mind Foundation. In this Foundation, food design and science come together to design creative solutions for healthy, attractive food that you don't eat very much of, but which still gives you a pleasant saturation. An All You Can Enough Pop-Up restaurant tested six science-based principles of satiety, including attention, obstruction and illusion. In the coming period we will be working on a food truck aka snack bar Chew On It, with which we want to travel through the country and visit festivals.

When & Where

  • 25 February 2021
  • 4 - 4.45 PM 
  • Language: Dutch
  • Entrance: free
  • Location: Online, via Livestorm webinar