UTSportsContact and organisationRefund of sports subscriptions

Refund of sports subscriptions

In special cases, you might be entitled to restitution of your subscriptions. This is possible in the following circumstances:

What do you need to do to request a refund?

For a refund of your UnionCard, CampusCard or association fee, please contact the StudentUnion by sending an email to unioncard@utwente.nl explaining why you would like to receive a restitution of your subscription.

For a refund of your fitness- and/or grouplessonscard or a course, please contact the Sports Centre secretary by sending an email to secr-sport@utwente.nl explaining why you would like to receive a restitution of your subscription.

Do you have a request for both the Union- CampusCard and your sport subscription (fitnesscard or course), please send your request to both e-mail addresses.