Intellectual Output 2 (IO2) is a work package that we are currently working on this project. Its main plan was to organize face-to-face world café meetings in every partner country. In these meetings, practitioners could have changed ideas of roles and competencies of Industry 4.0 era in purchasing and supply management.
Unfortunately, current Covid-19 pandemic and meeting restrictions totally disfigured our plans. What to do? Postpone everything and wait for better times? No, we decided to adapt by looking for virtual options. And there was some. Today we tested these tools with 12 people, and we are getting ready to what we planned...but a little bit differently. After 2 hours collective problem solving and probing, we find an online platform that allowed us to set 4 virtual tables and a nice whiteboard for world cafés. There might be happenings that slow down progress temporarily but not entirely. So, the first virtual world café will take a place in the end of April!