Date and Venue
P-NUT PhD & PDEng Day - 24th of November 2021
Location: Waaier building, at the University of Twente
Room: Waaier 3
The event will be hosted in a hybrid fashion, meaning partly physical and partly virtual. As soon as you registered for the event, you will receive a Zoom link for joining the online event. As there is limited physical capacity (of 75 people), admission to the physical event is done on the basis of first come, first served. Participation in the physical event requires a COVID certificate (green pass).
Program Overview
12:00-13:00 | Registration (link) |
13:00-13:05 | Welcoming by P-NUT |
13:05-14:00 | Keynote: Jamie Hyneman Title: Busting myths in the post-fact society |
14:00-14:15 | Short break |
14:15-15:00 | RDM Bingo! How much do you know about research data management? (link) |
15:00-15:15 | Refreshment break |
15:15-16:00 | Skyrocketed number of job openings in the labor market: How to make the right decision? (Going to industry) (link) |
16:00-16:50 | Pitches, discussions, and closing ceremony Participants: [-] Roberto Cruz (former president P-NUT; lead of P-NUT's Include-U project) [-] Chairperson P-NUT's working group on Women Doctoral Candidates [-] Peter Slijkhuis - Beer Guild for doctoral candidates [-] ... (to be confirmed) |
| Networking drinks (canceled)
A certificate of attendance will be given to all participants who register and attend. It is calculated that the activities in the program equal 0.25 European Credits (ECs). The following requirements need to be fulfilled in order to obtain the certificate:
- Attendance at the online or physical sessions (and registered for the event)
- Fill in a survey from the Female Doctoral Candiate Initiative (the survey is anonymous, we expect you to fill it in)
- Fill in a feedback form about the PhD & PDEng Day (submit before the 28th of November)
Notice that due to the corona circumstances, some adjustments were made to the program, including, e.g., cancelation of one of the keynote talks. Further last-minute changes may happen. For the latest updates, please keep track of this webpage.
Parallel Sessions
RDM Bingo! How much do you know about research data management? RDM Bingo!
How much do you know about research data management?
Join our session to get to know your data steward and learn more about how to manage your data and code by playing a game of research data management bingo!
Workshop agenda:
- Meet the University of Twente data stewards (15 mins)
- RDM bingo for a prize (20 mins)
- Survey for a prize (10 mins)
Going to industry after your PhD Discover more about the next steps in your career outside academia. Former PhD students will share their experiences about making the transition from academia to industry.
The Social Sorting Experiment (Smartphone Orchestra) Canceled
Did you know that 70 likes are enough to know more about how you behave than your friends do? That 70 likes are enough to know your sexual orientation and 300 likes to know you better than your own partner does?!
With every action you do on social media, you leave a digital data trail behind. When this is combined with psychological insights, a very accurate digital caricature is created. Recent events show this is not only used to make your online experience more personalised, but also used against your own interest. Cambridge Analytica, for example, was able to manipulate political opinions with highly targeted precision.
So should you quit all your online activity? A bit drastic maybe.. Why not try to get to know yourself so well, that you can no longer be manipulated!
The latter, friend and follower, is the service that The Social Sorting Experiment provides. You will be measured and judged and then experience how this data is really used through an absurdist interactive group performance where you - armed with your smartphone- become the main star of the show. Together we will unravel the mysterious algorithmic rituals under the hood of social media and make a couple of good old analogue friends at the same time!
P-NUT passes the borders of faculties, departments and even universities by bringing doctoral candidates with different backgrounds together to share their experiences and help each other to grow and become more efficient in their work. Our main objectives are to bring people who share similar interests together in both a professional and informal way, to inform them on the important aspects that might affect or benefit their careers as scientists and share and defend the rights of the PhDs at the UT. These objectives define the three main goals of P-NUT: connect, inform and represent the doctoral candidates of the University of Twente.
The organizing chairs consist of F. Koefer (P-NUT Secretary 2021-2022) and R.H. Bemthuis (P-NUT Treasurer and Vice-president 2021-2022).
The Chain Company (strategic partner) 
This year the PhD Day will be partly organized in collaboration with our strategic partner The Chain Company.
Expat Center East Netherlands (sponsor) 
A platinum sponsor for the PhD Day 2019: Gildeprint. Gildeprint specializes in the designing and printing of theses.
Ipskamp Printing (sponsor) 
A platinum sponsor for the PhD Day 2019: Ipskamp printing. The specialist in printing and binding of books, brochures, and manuals.
Twente Graduate School (TGS) 
A historic supporter and sponsor of the PhD Day: Twente Graduate School (TGS). TGS coordinates all doctoral programmes at the University of Twente.