UTP-NUTEventsWheelchair basketball clinic

Wheelchair basketball clinic

What is a sportsday without sports? Time to sit down and try one.

We can theoretically clear-up some misconceptions about wheelchair basketball:

 - yes, the baskets are the same height;

 - no, not all players use wheelchairs in everyday life;

 - yes, we do bump into each other, but no, it is not like bumper cars;

 - yes, you can both dribble the ball and manoeuvre the chair at the same time;

 - ...

However, better than theory (and more fun) is to up and try it yourself. So join us for this 45 minute clinic for a no-prior-skill-or-experience-required introduction to one of the most classical paralympic sports.

We bring the wheelchairs, you just bring yourself ;)

What: Wheelchair basketball clinic

When: May 21st 2024 timeslot1: 10.30 - 11.15; timeslot2: 12.45 - 13.30

Where: Sportscentre SC2

Clothing recommendations: Be yourself. Think about clothes that you can move around in easily, for example sports wear. Also, I'd recommend cloths that aren't too loose around the arms and hips (you need proper grip on the wheels).

Costs: free

15 spots per time slot. First come first serve.

Terms and Conditions for P-NUT Events: find it here