UTP-NUTP-NUT Buddy System

P-NUT Buddy System

P-NUT buddy system

A warm welcome to all new doctoral candidates and new members of P-NUT!

We all know that the start of a PhD/EngD can be hard, especially when you come from a different country and do not know anyone. Are you a new doctoral candidate at the UT or did you just join the P-NUT community but feel like you do not really know anyone? With our so-called P-NUT buddy system, we would like to help you get adjusted more easily by assigning you a buddy from our P-NUT community with similar interests.

What can you expect from the P-NUT buddy system after signing up?

Are you looking for a buddy? Please feel free to sign up via this link:


Are you excited about meeting new people and helping them get accommodated at the UT? Please feel free to sign up as as P-NUT buddy via this link: