UTAlumni CommunityCalendarFood & Cognition | The Online SME Cafe: Eating experience | Session 4 (of 8)

Food & Cognition | The Online SME Cafe: Eating experience | Session 4 (of 8)

Session 4 (Of 8): Eating experience

The eating experience goes much further than just the taste of a product. It also concerns, for example, how a product is offered and in which context and environment. But how can we use this to make people eat healthier or simply to get people more satisfaction from eating? In this session of the SME café we will discuss this among other things, researcher Roelof de Vries from the University of Twente.

During each session, a scientist and SME will shine their light on a topic about nutrition, healthy lifestyle, brain and eating behavior. What can SMEs learn and use? We look for areas of tension, challenge participants to actively think about solutions and perhaps you will meet a new collaboration partner during the event to improve the eating experience or brain health of people with the help of technology?

When & Where

  • 26 November 2020
  • 4 - 4.45 PM 
  • Language: Dutch
  • Entrance: free
  • Location: Online, via Livestorm webinar