Registration forms specialisations

The Master’s programme in Mechanical Engineering can be combined with another UT master’s programme. The following rules apply when combining two UT Master programmes:

  1. You have to be admitted and enrolled to the Mechanical Engineering programme and other MSc programme.
  2. You choose 30 EC in specialisation courses, 15 EC in elective courses, 45 EC Master courses in the other MSc programme (pre-master courses are not accepted) and 15 EC courses shared in both MSc programmes.
  3. The master assignment incorporates themes of both master programmes and is increased to 60 EC. The total study load of the two master programmes is at least 180 EC.
  4. The Examination Boards of both programmes need to approve the proposed study programme so that it meets the intended learning outcomes of both master programmes.

Registration for two UT Masters programme per specialisation: