UTLearning & Teaching PortalExpertiseEducational designGeneral principles in designing education

General principles in designing education

In this section you can get more acquainted with the general main principles of Educational Design:


The ADDIE model is a systematic instructional design framework comprising five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—used to create effective learning experiences.

  • The ADDIE Model

    The ADDIE model is a systematic instructional design framework used for developing effective learning experiences. The ADDIE model is a structured, five-step process used in instructional design to create effective learning experiences. Each step represents a distinct phase in the development of instructional materials: 

    1. Analysis: This phase involves gathering information about the learners, their needs, the context of learning, and any constraints. It helps identify the goals and objectives of the instruction.
    2. Design: In this phase, the instructional designer plans the overall structure and content of the learning materials. This includes deciding on the instructional strategies, media, and assessments to be used.
    3. Development: Once the design is finalized, the actual instructional materials are developed. This may include creating presentations, writing content, designing activities, and developing multimedia elements.
    4. Implementation: Here, the instructional materials are put into use with the learners. This phase involves delivering the instruction as planned, whether through face-to-face teaching, online courses, or other delivery methods.
    5. Evaluation: The final phase involves assessing the effectiveness of the instruction. This includes gathering feedback from learners, assessing their performance, and evaluating whether the instructional goals were met. The evaluation results are used to improve future iterations of the instruction.
  • Additional Resources
    More information about the ADDIE Model

    Here you can find out more information about the 5-step process as well as some guiding questions that can guide your design


Mapping the course design is crucial for ensuring alignment between learning objectives, instructional materials, and assessments, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and coherence of the educational experience.


Integrating learning theories into the design process helps educators select instructional strategies tailored to how students learn best, fostering engagement and optimizing curriculum design. By grounding instructional decisions in theoretical principles, educators promote evidence-based practices that enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.