Organisation overview

On this page you will find information and contact details related to the Master's programme Industrial Design Engineering. 

programme organisation

  • Programme director

    From the 1st of September

    dr. W.F. de Boer (Wim)
    Program director Industrial Design Engineering

    The programme director is in charge of the Industrial Design Engineering programme as a whole, and plays a key role in the development of the faculty education policy, organization of education and student counseling, and maintenance and improvement of the quality of education. The programme director writes the IDE education and exam regulations and ensures that all courses in the curriculum are provided.

    The programme director is head of the applications committee, permanent advisor to both the faculty committee and the exam committee, and is a member of the faculty’s disciplinary board and advisory appointment committee.

  • Programme coordinator
    E.C.M. Luijkx MSc (Elora)
    Coordinator Pre-Masters Faculty ET & Master Industrial Design Engineering

    The programme coordinator provides policy support to the programme director and is responsible for the organisational, procedural and intrinsic coordination of the IDE programme. If you have a complaint or a question about the general programme or certain subjects, the programme coordinator is the first person to see.

    Questions can be sent to

  • Study advisors
    ir. M.J.B. Duyvestijn (Monique)
    study adviser master students faculty ET

    Adviser for: Master students ME / CEM / CME / SET / IDE
    Working from home
    Use the planner to make an appointment.
    You will be invited for a teamsmeeting at your studentmail. 

    University students are expected to be able to act independently and take care of most practical matters on their own. But when you’re only just starting your master, many things are probably new to you and sometimes you need some help.

    You could also run into problems later on and you may find yourself wanting to talk to your study adviser. For instance when you have questions about your study programme, about studying, or about private matters that may be affecting your studies, such as:

    • Doubts about your choice of study programme
    • Studying is easy for me. I would like to do more, what should I do?
    • I did very well in my bachelor. Why am I failing so many exams now?
    • I am a top-level athlete. Are there any schemes and provisions for me?
    • I suffer from dyslexia, and am having trouble studying
    • I want to combine my studies with extra-curricular activities and/or work

    Your study adviser can also advise you on persons or organizations within or outside the university that may be able to help you.

    Contact details

    You can make an appointment with your study adviser via If you think you need more than 30 minutes to discuss your situation you should plan two consecutive appointments. It is also possible to send (short) questions to the study adviser per email.


    The study adviser will make notes during the meeting with you and enter these in Osiris. You are able to see these notes yourself. The notes are shared with other study advisers of the faculty Engineering Technology to help you at any moment unless you ask to label the note as strictly confidential. Notes are never shared with someone outside our faculty unless you have given permission to do so.

    If you are making a formal request with the Examination Board, the study adviser will be asked for her advice. She will only share information which you have agreed upon.

    The study adviser may be asked for advice if you have made a request with the Committee Personal Circumstances. She will only share information which you have agreed to.

    As a member of the National Association of Study Advisers (LVSA) the study adviser will adhere to their code of conduct.

  • Track coordinators
    Track coordinator Human-Technology Relations
    dr. A. Karahanoglu (Armagan)
    Assistant Professor
    Track coordinator Management of Product Development D. Lutters (Eric)
    Full Professor
    Track coordinator Emerging Technology Design
    dr. D.T.A. Matthews (Dave)
    Associate Professor

    The track coordinators are, together with the programme director, responsible for the education programme of Industrial Design Engineering. They coordinate the alignment of education elements and are involved in the quality assurance of the education programmes. Students can contact them for questions and comments about the programmes.

boards and committees

  • Admissions committee

    The Admissions Committee assesses and decides whether an applicant is admitted to the programme in case when the general admission rules are not applicable.

    The members of the Admissions Committee are appointed by the Dean from the staff members who are charged with teaching in the study programme. The Admissions Committee is chaired by the Programme Director.

    The composition of the Admissions Committee is as follows:

    • Dr. W.F. de Boer (chairman)
    • Ir. I.F. Lutters-Weustink (secretary)
    • Dr. A. Karahanoglu

    Advisor to the Admissions Committee

    • Drs. A.F. Olde Loohuis
  • Programme committee

    The Programme Committee is an advisory organisation established by law and consists of an equal number of lecturers and students. Main task of the Programme Committee is to provide advice in the preparation of the education and examination regulations. The Programme Committee advises the Programme Director in the execution of the educational programmes. Educational evaluations form the basis of this advice.

    Staff members:

    • Dr. ir. K. Nizamis (secretary)
    • Ir. W. Dankers
    • Dr. ir. G.D.S Ludden (chairman)
    • J.L. Sturge

    Student members:

    • J.F.G. Stekelenburg (vice chairman)
    • S. Farid Mohajer
    • W. Lin
    • M. Mariak

    Permanent guests: 

    • Programme Director
    • BSc. Coordinator
    • MSc. Coordinator
    • S.G. Daedalus

    Minutes and annual reports are available here. For the minutes of previous years contact

  • Evaluation committee

    The Evaluation Committee consists of Bachelor’s and Master’s students, appointed by the programme director. This committee evaluates all courses in both programmes on behalf of the programme director.

    Every course is evaluated regularly by means of a standard questionnaire which is handed out to students during the exam. This has shown to yield the largest response. Students are requested to give values to different aspects and assign an overall value. If the overall value drops below the target value of 6, the course will be evaluated during the next year as well. Results of the evaluations are discussed with the lecturer responsible for the course, who also formulates suggestions for improvements. Results of the evaluations, suggestions for improvements and results of exams are analysed by the quality assurance coordinator.

    The results and recommendations are distributed by the student association Daedalus.

other supporting services

  • Educational Affairs Office

    The Office of The Educational Affairs (formerly known as BOZ) administratively supports all educational processes. Among other responsibilities, The Educational Affairs Office makes sure that each student has an individual exam schedule on Osiris, that grades get entered into the system, and that diplomas are made. 

  • Councelling

    There are certain situations in which the track coordinators can't help you with your problem and it may be more helpful to get in touch with the university’s student psychologists or student counsellor. To make an appointment, go to Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling in the Vrijhof.
    You will find information about financial issues, choice of study, courses, study tips and more on their website.

  • Secretary DPM
    B.J. Dibbelink (Bianca)
    Supporting staff
    I. Dos Santos - Smit (Inge)
    Supporting staff
    S.M. Groenendijk (Saskia)
    Supporting staff

    The secretary's office of the Design Department is located in the Horst, in Horstring West, office W242. The majority of IDE staff mailboxes can be found here.

    The general phone number is +31 53 489 25 20


    Universiteit Twente
    ET, Department DPM
    De Horst (gebouw 20), office HR W242
    Postbus 217
    7500 AE Enschede


    De Horst (building 20), office HR W242
    Drienerlolaan 5
    7522 NB Enschede

study and alumni associations