Appointing competent examiners

One of the legal tasks of the Examination Board (EB) is to assign (Dutch: "aanwijzen") examiners to conduct exams and determine the results thereof. The examiners have legally the obligation to provide the EB with requested information. 
Assuming that the quality of assessment is to a considerable extent determined by the teaching and assessment skills of the lecturers, the boards have, based on the right to assign examiners, a powerful tool at their disposal to exert influence on the final quality of assessment.
Assessment skills mean that an examiner, in addition to their expertise in their own field of study, has expertise in the field of educational principles and knowledge of the way in which validity, reliability, and transparency can be realized when designing, taking and assessing tests and using assignments as ways of assessing the knowledge and abilities of students.

What to consider when appointing examiners?

What expertise do you require as an Examinatin Board? What applies to external (guest) lecturers? May PHD's assess student work? Do you use specific requirements for module coordinators?
It is recommended to draw up profiles for examiners. With possible distinctions according to different roles: for example the role of examiner of a (partial) test, the role of the module coordinator as examiner, the role of assessors of theses.
At the request of an Examination Board, Helma Vlas (CELT) has written a note on points for attention when determining the profile of an examiner. It also states something - on request - about the role that a possible a Basic Qualification Examination (BKE) could play for examiners. For those who find it interesting: A profile for the examiner.

Good practice of the EB of Advanced Technology
When appointing examiners, the EB can send a letter [see example] to the persons concerned. I.e. to all examiners of a module (= module coordinator and examiners of the main components of the module; this is also indicated in the letter). This is done after the module plan (including learning objectives; alignment learning objectives - final qualifications; names of lecturers for components; the weighting of the components; assessment forms etc.) has been discussed and approved in a meeting. These plans are discussed at different times during the year, not only at the beginning of the academic year. By sending a letter, lecturers are made aware of relevant rules and guidelines of the examination board, useful resources, and contact persons for questions about assessments.

What requirements does your programme (the examination board) impose on the examiners? How are the lecturers informed? For how long will they be 'appointed'? Please send in your examples, ideas, suggestions, and experiences.