UTFacultiesETPrIMEEducation ActivitiesMaster Thesis ProjectsFinished ProjectsSimulating the functional performance of assets over time

Simulating the functional performance of assets over time

Researcher: Sander Mooren
Project Duration: January 2022 – August 2022
Project Partner: Rijskwaterstaat

Research Objective:

The aim of the project is to provide insight in the development of functional performance of bridges and viaducts as part of a network over time.

First, the word provide means in this situation that future functional performance will be presented. However, this research will also provide insight in a more dynamic sense that asset managers can use the model for their own needs. Furthermore, the scope has been limited to viaducts and roads as part of the automobile traffic network under the authority of Rijkswaterstaat. Note, the assets are not treated as stand-alone elements. Functional performance remains broad in the identified objective. It refers to the 5 performance indicators that make up the spatial decision support tool: traffic flow, geometry, load class, safety to users, and noise emissions. Part of the research is to identify exactly which indicators will be worked out. Key in the objective are the words over time. They refer to the main shortcoming of the current dashboard where functional performance is static and encompasses no future values.