UTFacultiesETPrIMEEducation ActivitiesMaster Thesis ProjectsFinished ProjectsEffectiveness of portfolio contracts for infrastructure

Effectiveness of portfolio contracts for infrastructure

Researcher: Bauwe Jansma
Project Duration: May 2022 – November 2022
Project Partner: Witteveen+Bos

Research Objective:

The main research objectives of this project are to identify, analyse and evaluate barriers that emerges in the bundling process of stand-alone maintenance contracts towards a more integrated contractual portfolio, under the context of a more repetitive and predictive maintenance of infrastructural assets, in order to:

1. Identify challenges that could influence the effectiveness of bundling stand-alone maintenance contracts into a contractual portfolio, and therefore, could influence the learning ability and degree of predictive maintenance.

2. Reflect on the limitations of the identified challenges and suggest recommendations about the measurement and control of the processes that determine the performance and success of contractual portfolios.