Checklist final project thesis

Checklist final project thesis

  1. Read the Graduation Guide
  2. Select a topic that attracts your interest (check: dedicated EST Canvas site) and contact the appropriate EST Graduation Coordinator about it.
  3. (Via on of the EST Graduation Coordinators) Find a supervisor for the project.
  4. Discuss with supervisor(s) about the project. In case you will do an external Final Project and a formal contract needs to be signed, please follow the procedure described in paragraph 1.4 of the Graduation Guide.
  5. Make a time frame planning according to your hours available (full-time / part-time).
  6. Fill in the Final Project contract (Appendix A) and mail it to the Educational Affairs Office. Please check if all signatures have been placed on the document.
  7. Register the Final Project in Mobility Online, and follow all concerned steps (see paragraph 5.2 of the Graduation Guide). Mail the Mobility Online proposal form (together wit the Final Project contract) to the Educational Affairs Office. 
  8. Upon submitting Appendix A, the Educational Affairs Office will enrol you for the "Master Thesis EST" Canvas site. You must accept this enrolment because towards the end of the final project trajectory you need to submit the thesis via this Canvas site for a plagiarism check (see step 15).
  9. According to standard procedure, the thesis will be posted publicly after graduation. In case the organisation where you conduct your final project insists on deviating from this public archiving of the thesis, or when you/your supervisor aim at publication of an article on the topic, you must submit a request (with – in writing – support from your supervisor and (if applicable) company/organization) for changing this confidentiality to the Examination Board.
  10. Submit the research proposal for assessment to the teacher of the Research Proposal course (see Canvas-site for deadlines).
  11. If applicable to your research assignment, you need to ask for approval of the Ethics Committee. Submit the ethical approval form, always in accordance with your supervisor. Only after ethical approval, data collection can be started.
  12. Stay in touch with the supervisor(s) frequently. The student takes the initiative. During meetings, besides discussing the content of your work, also discuss the time frame planning, and adjust is if necessary.
  13. Be sure that you and your supervisor are aware of the assessment criteria (see Appendix D: Master's thesis assessment method ( ).
  14. Make sure that your thesis does not exceed the max. 24,000 words. This requirement may obstruct setting a date for your colloquium. 
  15. Plan the “Green Light Meeting” with the graduation committee timely. Before the green light meeting, the student submits the thesis for a pragiarism check and approval via the "Master Thesis EST" Canvas site.
  16. If you receive “green light‟ from the supervisor(s) you can plan the final colloquium. Fill in the registration form (Appendix B) and mail it to the Educational Affairs Office timely (at least 15 working days before the envisaged date of the colloquium).
    Please check if all signatures have been placed on the document.
  17. Prepare the presentation (do a “dry run”!), and contact the Educational Affairs Office to reserve a lecture room for your colloquium, and arrange other practical matter regarding your graduation and diploma.
  18. Submit your thesis to the UT Student Theses and UT Archive through:
    Also hand in the thesis digitally (= MS-Word and *.pdf ) at the Education Affairs Office before the colloquium presentation.
  19. Upon having submitted your thesis at the Educational Affairs Office, finalise your Mobility Online registration.