The Radio Systems group of the University of Twente provides expertise in physical layer design of Wireless Communications and Sensing systems. In our research and education, we focus on Radio Propagation and Channel Modelling, Antenna Systems, and Signal Processing with applications in5G/6G, Radar and Health monitoring. Our aim is to interconnect anything, anywhere, anytime under all conditions and to exploit unobtrusive wireless monitoring for IoT, healthcare, safety and security.
This is the fourth edition of our biannual newsletter. Our aim is to provide an update on our research and educational activities. In addition, we share more general information on, for example, interesting conferences and developments.
Since the last newsletter, we welcomed Aakash Arora as a new Assistant Professor. His main interest is in signal processing for communications.
In the beginning of this year, Andrés Alayón Glazunov accepted a position at the University of Linköping. For Andrés, this is a great step forward but his great expertise and presence will be missed in the Radio Systems group. In the meantime, we started the hiring process for tenure track position within the Green Sensors project.
Congratulations to Anastasia Lavrenko who was selected as one of the featured scientists of the University of Twente. Furthermore, we want to congratulate our group member Arjun Kumar on his promotion to IEEE Senior Member, a great achievement!
The Radio Systems group is continuously updating and expanding its measurement facilities. On February 9th, the Rijksinspectie Digital Infrastructuur (RDI) previously known as Agentschap Telecom, donated high-quality measurement equipment to the Radio Systems group at the University of Twente. It concerns equipment that the RDI uses to perform its monitoring task in the radio spectrum. In order to give the equipment a second life, it was decided to enter into cooperation with the University of Twente and use it for educational and training purposes. We would like to thank RDI for the valuable donation. Special thanks to Ben Witvliet, Hans Bogerman and Ben van den Bos for arranging this!
We have also purchased a Developer Kit from TMYTEK, to be used in our educational program (master courses, demos and labs) to demonstrate the concepts of mmWave propagation, beamforming and diversity.
Besides expanding our measurement facilities, the communication capacity of our server has been increased with a powerful GPU to speedup simulations.
New projects
- November 2022 | the NWO-OTP 3D-ComS project proposal was approved. Check out more details here.
- January 2023 | A grant from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT, Japan) as a Guest Researcher Rank B was granted to Yang Miao.
- October 2022 | Francois Billon, incoming exchange student from ENSTA Bretagne, doing his internship within the Radio Systems group: Data Analysis for Spectrum Monitoring by the Radio Communications Agency of the Netherland”.
- December 2022 | Niek Sterenborg, Gable Systems: “Development of firmware for INSTANT embedded system”.
- March 2023 | Hang Mi and Kai Mao have finished their 1 year research exchange within the RS group. Hang’s work has led to a EuCAP conference paper and a journal paper, in collaboration with NIST, USA. Kai’s work also has led to a conference paper and a journal paper. Good luck with your future PhD journey.
Successfull MSc defenses
- November 25, 2022 | Miquel Sellé Valls: “Vital Signs Monitoring Using a 26 GHZ OFDM Multibeam Testbed”.
- December 9, 2022 | Rick van Loo: “Investigating Approimate FPGA Multiplication for Increased Power-Efficiency”.
- March 3, 2023 | Feifan Zhang: “SDR-based concurrent multi-band event matching using bistatic Wi-Fi radar”.
Welcome to
- Junwei Boa as visiting scholar.
- Roy Veld, Diego Siles Cardenas, Joshua de Bie, Jan Fikse, Jaimie Jellema and Eric Steenbergen, working on their MSc assignments.
Conferences and events
- December 2022 | Dr. Miao presented three papers from Radio Systems group at GLOBECOM 2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Intelligent Blockage Recognition using Cellular mmWave Beamforming Data: Feasibility Study | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Guard Beam: Protecting mmWave Communication through In-Band Early Blockage Prediction | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- A2G Channel Measurement and Characterization via TNN for UAV Multi-Scenario Communications | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- March 2023 | 10 papers from multiple authors from Radio Systems group have been presented at EuCAP 2023 in Florence, Italy
- Compact Folded Meander-Line Harmonic Tag Antenna for Insect Tracking | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Automotive RADAR Planar Antenna Optimization Based on Conformal Transformation Optics | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Correlation and Non-Orthogonality Figures of Merit of Beamforming Fields | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Cluster Association for 3D Environment Based on 60 GHz Indoor Channel Measurements | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- TX Beamforming EVM Performance of a 65 dBm-EIRP Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array at 28 GHz | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Reconfiguration Capabilities of the Anechoic-Reverberation Hybrid Chamber for TRP Measurements of Active Antenna Systems | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Impact of Excitation and Weighting Errors on Performance of Compact OTA Testing Systems | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Cost-Effective Ultra-wideband Tightly Coupled Dipole Array (TCDA) with Low Profile | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Impact of Inter-Cell Interference on Sum-Rate-Based Array Layout Design for Massive MIMO | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Low-Loss All-Metallic Gap Waveguide-Based Bandpass FSS Radome for Broadside mmWave Applications | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- Fourth quarter 2022-2023 | Advanced Multiple Antenna Radio Systems (AMARS), course code: 201800175.
The Radio Systems Group and the master students of Smart Antenna course visited ASTRON on 31st of January, 2023. Thanks to Michel Arts from Astron for giving a nice tour around and for the fruitful discussions.