UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsPSEducationSmartphone AR-Based Data Representation in Real-time for Construction Sites

Smartphone AR-Based Data Representation in Real-time for Construction Sites

Smartphone AR-Based Data Representation in Real-time for Construction Sites

[Photo credits: Aymane Chilah]


Construction sites, owing to their dynamic nature, generate vast amounts of raw and unstructured data, which, if not processed efficiently, can lead to haphazard management and increased operational inefficiencies. The potential of augmented reality (AR) in the construction industry remains largely untapped. Incorporating AR can significantly enhance data representation, simplifying the inspection and operation process and elevating the overall experience for operators on-site.


The construction industry is a vital part of our modern world, but it faces challenges due to various disruptions like weather, traffic congestion, breakdowns, and diseases. Even minor disruptions can cause costly delays, project cancellations, and increased emissions, affecting both the environment and project efficiency.

By harnessing the power of data-driven insights and advanced AI analysis techniques through a real-time Carbon Digital Twin. Imagine a virtual mirror that reflects the carbon footprint of construction operations, allowing us to anticipate and adapt to challenges even before they occur. The general approach consists of the "Triple A": Acquire (collect and analyze data), Anticipate (predict) and Adapt (adapt to situations). This Design Project will contribute to the Acquire part.

You will have the opportunity to collaborate with some industry partners and real stakeholders, as this project is part of a larger sustainability-driven initiative ECOLOGIC (link).



20% theory, 50% implementation (e.g., modelling and programming), 10% experiment, 20% writing


Rob Bemthuis (r.h.bemthuis@utwente.nl)